Sunday, May 01, 2016

Blind Item #1

This foreign born just about to be A list mostly movie actress when her two monster box office movies are released managed to shave a good 6 years off her age. When she didn't know she was going to be super famous though she gave an interview with her real age. If producers find out, she will start competing for mom roles.


  1. Derek Harvey2:02 AM

    Margot Robbie

  2. Sadie2:13 AM

    Margot Robbie looks like she's pushing 40. Her alleged age has always seemed suspicious.

  3. Derek Harvey2:24 AM

    she claims to be 25! If she is 25-I am 12...

  4. lanky2:52 AM

    definitely Margot Robbie. there is no way in hell she is as young as she says she is. she looks like she could be 30, maybe early 30s.

    she should have known getting cast in Wolf of Wall Street she'd become famous to some degree.

    big upcoming hits are Suicide Squad and....really, Tarzan??? I think that'll be more of a bomb and less of a hit.

  5. Sadie2:58 AM

    I think she overdosed on the age reduction. Had she been content to shave just a couple of years off, it would have been believable but she went overboard.

    Is it just me or does she look a lot like Kelly McGillis (who didn't age very well so Robbie won't either)?

  6. Tarzan's gonna bomb majorly. Skarsgard lacks mainstream appeal and he definitely doesn't fit the tarzan mold. If anything Jason Mamoa is Tarzan...


  8. dgsef3:33 AM

  9. Kno Won Uno4:01 AM

    Enty loves calling movies blockbusters before their release.

  10. Louise4:33 AM

    Rebel Wilson also shaved 6 years off but that's already come out. Didn't seem to do her career any harm though

  11. Guesser5:12 AM

    Jessica Chastain did as well, called out by a former classmate, accidentally.

  12. Wendy5:29 AM

    Isn't Beyonce supposedly older than she says too?

  13. Wendy5:31 AM

    And this has an excerpt from an article in 2008 that says she was 23 then...

  14. Wendy5:32 AM

    And here's the actual article from 2008....I'm surprised no one has found that yet lol.

  15. Kibble5:46 AM

    He also knows which celebs we ALL love.

    And he's a grammar expert.

  16. Her career isn't predicated on good looks. Every chick over 30 lies about her age in Hollywood. When twenty-somethings stop getting cast at the love interests of middle-aged men, maybe women won't feel the need to fudge numbers. She should own looking great for her real age, rather than looking harsh for 25.

  17. Aussies always look old for their age....must be that lack-of-ozone sun damage.

  18. Ummm....I could go for Momoa as Tarzan

  19. Mooshki6:38 AM

    Hollywood misogyny is so awful. Harvey Weinstein syndrome.

  20. Zilla16:59 AM

    Six years really makes a difference between sexy roles and mom roles??

  21. hunter8:18 AM

    I've always thought Margot Robbie is GORGEOUS but no way in hell is she in her early 20s, she looks late 20s early 30s to me.

  22. hunter8:19 AM

    And yes, in that linked article - she DOES look 23. Ha.

  23. It's not misogyny. It's pretty much accepted that women age like milk.

  24. Camal194:02 AM

    I thought Margot Robbie looked older. When I heard she was in her early 20's...I was completely shocked. She's very pretty, but no way she's early 20's. Definitely in her 30's.

  25. John2611:02 AM

    Margot Robbie is definitely 25. Went to school with a friend of mine. The original article from 2008 is wrong, or she lied about her age back then.

  26. Beside the actress/prostitute blind items, this is the best one I've seen.

    Margot Robbie definitely. Her voice sounds like a 30yr old too.

  27. This is so stupid - anyone who knows her from her neighbours days knows she is 25, its hdr facial struture that makes her look older.also this blind is rycled from a blind about rebel wilson
