Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Blind Item #2

Don't believe the hype or the quotes you read about date night between these two A+ listers the other night. All of the quotes came from his publicist. I'm sure her publicist would say the same thing because they are always on message, but it always cracks me up when tabloids are breathless in their coverage and talk about insiders when they just print crap publicists tell them to print.


  1. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    jay-z and Beyonce

  2. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    Get the Inside Details on Beyoncé and Jay Z's "Great Date Night" in ...
    E! Online-18 hours ago
    "They looked like a happy couple who were having a great date night. ... E! Online - Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news ...

  3. Kno Won Uno11:49 PM

    Beyawnce & JayZ

  4. Khaleesi11:51 PM

    Beyonce and jay z. These 2 are so fake.

  5. Kno Won Uno11:52 PM

    This was not here when I hit "Post". That's so, so annoying.

  6. Snookiemonster12:06 AM

    Dicaprio and Rhianna

  7. Derek the Cart Attendant at your local Von's12:14 AM

    Ernest Borgnine and Ariana Grande

  8. Pink Escada12:34 AM

    I would pick Ernest Borgnine over Ariana....and I know that dear old Ernie is dead.

  9. Jay did the "date night" thing because he's putting new music out. Him and Bey aren't actually together.

  10. lemon swizzle12:54 AM

    I'm at the point where I can't read Lainey anymore because of her nonstop, hyperbolic gushing about Beyonce. (Well, that, and also her obsession of victimhood that seems to have become a near psychological disorder. No, Lainey, Serena Williams is not the victim of discrimination, nor is Shonda Rhimes, nor Idris Elba.)

  11. longtimereader3:27 AM

    It's a business deal, nothing more nothing less.

  12. Laura Palmer4:05 AM

    What do you do if someone uses your username to post?

  13. Kno Won Uno4:09 AM

    If they aren't me, my avatar won't show up, so there's that.
    Aside from that, there's not much we can do.

  14. Laura Palmer ( the real one)4:29 AM can you do an avatar? hopefully they will quit stoopid.

  15. James5:03 AM

    Isn't this a marriage of convenience of sorts

  16. PoniTayl8:35 AM

    He's an admitted murder...she's a defined moron drugged up Britney Spears like, they have a poor child that looks just like him via a surrogate..and these pieces of shit are treated like royalty...

  17. PoniTayl8:35 AM


  18. sandybrook8:55 AM

    Enty can you pin this post somewhere?
    Laura Palmer
    1) Go to, sign in with your user name and password or create an account.
    2) choose a picture (probably Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks for you) that you want associated with your gravatar account. Everytime you post on a site that uses gravatar, the pic associated with your user name, which is your e-mail address, will appear as your gravatar.
    EVERYBODY that posts here should try to get an avatar for their user name if they post here a lot, it identifies you.

  19. Laura Palmer9:15 AM

    Thank you so!

  20. sandybrook10:18 AM


  21. Studio5411:04 AM

    Right on Enty! Thanks so much for telling us the truth about that arranged PR stunt.

    B just might get that Oscar if she is nominated for playing herself as Best Female actress acting happy in a sham marriage.

  22. Alabama4:09 PM

    What stops anyone from using the same avatar?!

  23. Mooshki4:37 PM


  24. NoseyNeighbor7:28 PM

    Couples do stuff like this all the time. We all know couples that can't stand each other but plaster on fake smiles and are all hugged up in public. The wife even takes to Facebook to gush about how amazing her husband is and how special snowflake the kids are. J & B are just doing it on a larger scale. Either way, they are all annoying as fuck.

  25. Alabama1:15 AM

    I've spent time on many message boards I've the years. Quite a few trolls are morons but they are not lazy when they mess w someone. They will create account after account to harass someone.

  26. Youareatowel8:42 AM

    Aww :( you couldn't have picked a nicer man for a more horrible woman... love me some Ernest rip

  27. Youareatowel8:45 AM

    It always cracks me up that he is so revered. I feel like everytime I read someone calling him "great" I ant to shout..."he was a fucking crack dealer ya Willy dribble"

    I will never ever understand how he turned that around lol
