Saturday, May 07, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born singer could use some new music out there. That hit is barely even played any longer. She keeps herself in the news through other ways. Anyway, she is going to play some Pride shows this spring and summer but is secretly homophobic. She just plays the gigs because she needs the money.


  1. Elle B2:22 AM

    Iggy Azalea

  2. sandybrook3:01 AM


  3. Ms. Anne Thrope3:05 AM

    Igloo isn't secretly homophobic, she is outwardly homophobic. She was forced to cancel Pittsburgh Pride last year because of the huge backlash against her appearance. I doubt she'll be doing whatever that is she does at any other Pride festivals ever again.

  4. She better be careful. The gay music buying audience is huge!
    Cher wouldn't even have a career after her career if not for the gay/lesbian music audience that continuously follows her around final tour after final tour!

  5. I'm going to say Lorde just to be different. I know she's technically not a one-hit wonder (though even that's debatable), but she sure has done nothing since her one year as the music world's wonder girl.

  6. Henri3:52 AM

    Saying guys whispering into each other's ears was a "homo" thing to do isn't the same as being homophobic
    Just like her saying Asians pretend not to know English when it's convenient and Mexicans aren't built like models isn't "racist" it's TRUTH.
    Don't even like her music but everyone has to calm their tits with the outrage

  7. Just Saying4:01 AM

    Didn't Cher throw a fit when she found out Chastity/Chaz was different?

  8. And-so-on..4:49 AM

    You mean she is doing a gig and isn't gay but that's not a problem as this is a job as a singer, performer.. and pays her bills ..and people don't have to turn gay to perform for gays to do the job, unless this gig is dangerous, evil or against the law, to promote criminal acts and so on.. freedom to work..equality where all are treated with dignity and respect.. liberty.

  9. It isn't debatable, she isn't a one hit wonder.

  10. You seem so ignorant

  11. Malibuborebee7:51 AM

    Happily, in my world both Iggy Whatever and Lorde Whatever are no-hit wonders. I have no idea what they sing nor what they look like.

  12. Malibuborebee7:53 AM

    I'm not "outraged" @Henri, I'm uninterested. Whatever that homophobic little twat does, it doesn't exist in my world.

  13. Malibuborebee7:55 AM

    You're blathering again, @And.

    Please take your meds or your nap or whatever it is you are supposed to be doing to deal with your mental state.

  14. And-so-on..2:30 PM

    Yet look at all the fucks I give...

  15. Wild Guesses12:40 AM

    That Meg Trainor girl. The one who glorifies being over weight while weight shaming skinny/healthy girls

  16. Henri6:32 AM

    You ARE ignorant if you think it's not true. get out of your hole and see the world. Or stay pressed and clinging to your argument that Iggy was wrong in saying Mexicans have a specific body type lol

  17. Oh please, people. I think I'm pretty much the resident queer here and we don't need people fighting our battles for us. Seriously. I have met more homophobic fags in my life than anything. I kid you not. We can be just as bigoted amongst ourselves as rabid baggers are. Don't be fooled. You would be clutching your pearls if you witnessed some convos that fags have. Hell, my partner and I moved OUT of the gay 'hood and into a more conservative suburban area a couple years ago because we just were not digging the energy there any more. Like most humans, Gay people just like to be entertained. Unless the entertainer is a member of the Taliban, most of us could care fuck all about their individual bigotry.
