Monday, May 02, 2016

Blind Item #3 - WHCD

This soon to be B list mostly movie actress is currently a model. A model who rose to fame not really for her work, but for who she dated. She was with a guy who was probably in his 70's despite her being in her 20's. He kept wanting to kiss her and she would do that whole turn the head thing to get out of the way so all he ever got was cheek. There was not much she could do about the groping which was constant. I can't imagine what the ride home was like.


  1. Zilla112:15 AM

    Well, who's Jack Nicholson been dating lately?

  2. weekenderbedford12:21 AM

    Who's Rosie Huntington-Fishington-Shootington dating lately?

  3. Zilla112:28 AM

    All right, I'll say Kelly Rohrbach, who got famous for dating DiCaprio, and will be in Baywatch.

  4. Lauren12:28 AM

    Kelly "Casting Couch" Rohrbach

  5. sandybrook2:28 AM


  6. You win the Internet for the day.
