Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Blind Item #4

When this B+ list mostly television actress who doesn't have a network television show to return to when she gets out of rehab has a threesome with her boyfriend, 95% of the time the third is a guy. Her celebrity boyfriend loves other men almost as much as women.


  1. Derek Harvey12:30 AM

    hayden p

  2. Derek Harvey12:31 AM

    and Wladimir Klitschko

  3. Kno Won Uno12:41 AM

    Or maybe she's a huge fan of DP, which is totally understandable.

  4. Kno Won Uno12:42 AM

    Yup. Lucky her!

  5. peopleselbow12:56 AM

    It's difficult for me to believe Wladimir Klitschko would be into this.

    I would also like to see Enty tell this to Mr. Klitschko in person.

  6. NonyaBidness1:16 AM

    Mmm, I'd take 2 guys any day, bi or not. Although i'd fear that Wlad's unit is way too big for my britches.

  7. sandybrook2:36 AM

    If this is happening Wlad is getting paid on the d/l by the other guy to be with her. There's no way Wlad is doing the guy.

  8. bush bunny2:42 AM

    Wasn't there a story last week about him being outed by a fellow fighter as being bi? This young lady needs to separate herself from this man, grab the kids, and get out of Dodge. She will be in and out of rehab the rest of her life if she continues this stupidity. Grow a pair girl, and leave.

  9. Dean Swift12:57 PM

    There's no way? Why? Because he's a big boxer? Grow up, all gay men are not effeminate.

  10. Derek Harvey1:00 PM

    We can start calling her Heythere Penetration

  11. NYCStudent11:30 PM

    Thank you, Dean. I have met gay men that are big and muscular and act more masculine than many small and effeminate-acting straight men. Judging based on stereotypes = bad idea!
