Monday, May 02, 2016

Blind Item #6 - WHCD

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor has a franchise. He would have had two but the movie sucked. Everyone blames him. Drugs. If the after party the other night was any kind of hint how things are going now with the actor, drugs are still a huge part of his life. It wasn't coke he was snorting, but probably heroin.


  1. Zilla112:48 AM

    Henry Cavill

  2. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    Miles Teller

  3. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    Miles Teller talks Obama's 2008 win at the WHCD: He represented ...
    USA TODAY-20 hours ago
    Miles Teller's favorite memory of President Obama comes straight out of a page from the history books. The Divergent actor — who attended the ...

  4. Kibble1:26 AM

    +1 Fantastic Four for the movie that "sucked."

  5. Lurky McLurkster1:28 AM

    Yeah, FF did suck. They just can't seem to make a good movie with this title.

  6. French girl2:21 AM

    The reason why Fantastic Four sucked was the incompetent director .it is public.He was fired in post production.Disney fired one of their Star Wars prequel

  7. nasty2:28 AM

    or it sucked because its derivative shit...?

    most obvious choice.

  8. back again3:32 AM

    +1.......but it was NOT b/c of Miles Teller that the movie sucked...look to the director on that Fail!

  9. Nope, Shia. Indiana Jones being the one that sucked, Transformers being the othe franchise.

  10. Claire2:16 PM

    I feel nothing but pity for anyone on H. That shit ruins your life. Very sad.
