Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blind Item #8

The dog of this A+ lister has destroyed a hotel suite where the actress is staying. It has covered almost every inch of the carpeting with crap. It pees everywhere and has chewed at the wooden base of almost every piece of furniture. Our actress doesn't seem to care though and just said she would pay for the damage when she checks out.


  1. Derek Harvey1:45 AM

    J Law

  2. Salaam2:04 AM

    Jennifer Lawrence. just saw a photo of her with a dog.

  3. Ettacettera2:04 AM

    You'd think with her gazillions she could hire a trainer and someone to walk the dog, since she has no interest in doing either

  4. Sadie2:06 AM

    When you adopt dogs to improve photo ops (like when you do the same with kids), you tend to forget training and discipline are part of being a good dog owner (or parent).

  5. So sad.
    Whoever this is, is just using the dog as a prop; and it is apparent they truly don't care about the animal at all.

  6. Zilla12:36 AM

    Well, I hope they also charge her for each day of income they will lose on that room while it is being repaired.

  7. Guesser2:51 AM

    People like Elizabeth Taylor used to do this. I wonder if she's on drugs or something because it would bother anyone in their right mind. I don't think JLaw needs a dog to get papped.

  8. Ms. Anne Thrope2:54 AM

    This pisses me off. This is the kind of person who ruins it for all the responsible pet owners who take the time & the patience to train our dogs. ????????????????????

  9. back again3:06 AM

    She's been a bit of a Jackass Law lately... I wonder if her comment about her having a thing for British Guys was a cryptic msg. for James McAvoy ...AND...her other costar F*ckBuddy Michael Sheen?!?
    *and Yes, I KNOW McAvoy's Scottish and that they're deflecting the 'homewrecker label' from Jen & placing it onto Alexandra Shipp's lapel!

  10. bush bunny3:08 AM

    Maybe the dog is acting out because he/she knows he/she is unloved and being used. He wants validation that he/she is worthy. There are millions of people like this who live in a me world at the expense of the staff of the hotel who will have to rip up the carpeting and sanitize each room and have the furniture restored. The owner should make it very clear to this precious person, "Don't ever darken our door again!"

  11. Clarisse McClellan5:49 AM

    ^ This.

    The poor dog is probably neglected and upset. And who could possibly sleep in a room with crap and piss everywhere? Gross.

  12. i don't care about philton's lousy persona, std, fame whoring, etc.
    i hate her for making dogs an accessory.....
    i hate everyone who does. it's kind of cruelty in my world....

  13. James8:32 AM

    J Law can afford to sent her dog to obedience school or at least teach the dog not to piss and shit everywhere. If J Law treats her dog this how does she treat men

  14. Studio549:25 AM

    I've never owned a pet, and I never will, allergies, but just from the description of the dog's behavior, the dog seems to be acting out about something, or not properly cared for or trained.

  15. Derek's Anal Beads10:09 AM

    JLaw with a picture of a dog! Let me make up a blind about said dog covering every inch of carpet with shit and piss! Entard, you're a fucktard.

  16. Guesser10:34 AM

    People seem to assume this is JLaw, but lots of actresses could do this. It's more because she's been in a hotel for a long time. This could be true though, because hotel people will talk, they would have reason to complain.

  17. Laura Palmer10:49 AM

    Oh please...I'm sure she just spoils the shit out of that dog and doesn't care if it chews a chair leg, it's probably still a judgemental.

  18. Whatever5:42 PM

    Wow ENTY hates JLaw so much he made up a blind about her dog. Next you're going to say that little pup is a home wrecking whore. You're welcome for the idea.

  19. Dogs do not like to relieve themselves where they sleep and this is total neglect. With no time or care for this dog, she needs to surrender the dog to a no-kill shelter. She also deserves a fine and court order to not have any animals. However, since it's someone rich & famous the dog will just suffer. Those who know firsthand about the neglect, but don't help or report her, are just as responsible. I hope she wakes up and steps in dog crap while barefoot. It's not the dog's fault.

  20. Camal1912:20 AM

    JLaw. She's getting too arrogant for words. I'm sick of her. She's not even that great of an actress. She's a one trick pony. She needs to be knocked down a peg or two. Actually...that will eventually happen on its own. These "IT" girls eventually are not in demand after a while...especially when they hit 40. That's when they really suffer. Just ask Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts.

  21. Laura Palmer11:51 AM

    Really? Because I have a vindictive female terrier who is never alone, never neglected , never in her life and she will strait up piss on the floor of her beloved home when she damm well feels like it...

  22. thebutlerdidit12:20 PM

    Remember about a decade or so ago, when Paris Hilton left her dogs in her closet and then flew out of the country, leaving her poor maid to find them starved to death, a week or two later? Yeah, that should have completely murdered the accessory dog business, but I guess not.
