Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Blind Item #9 - Met Gala

These two former actresses were talking last night. Outside chain smoking their tiny little hearts out after drinking enough booze to even affect me. Anyway, they said their problem with a certain rebooted show has nothing to do with anyone except the actor who kind of organized the reboot. They don't like him. At all. If he wasn't there, they would do it.


  1. Derek Harvey3:45 AM

    mk and ashley olsen

  2. Derek Harvey3:46 AM

    and john stamos

  3. Derek Harvey3:48 AM

    I was watching my niece and she was watching the Full House reboot---it was so so BAD...No way in hell would those girls be on that show...maybe a quick cameo but still...

  4. Kno Won Uno3:49 AM


  5. My daughter loves the show...sucks less than the original. Good to know how the twins view Stamos. Tells volumes.

  6. Raspberry Beret4:27 AM

    @derek : don't you have a life ? You leave comments on everything. It's really sad.

  7. mattersoffact5:33 AM

    @raspberry beret
    ....and yet follow derek around the internet, commenting on him commenting.

    which one is more pathetic? the commenting one, or the one that chases the commenter around the internet. the latter is you for both answers.

    a literal stranger and regular visitor of CDAN who doesnt understand the effort you put into your beef against derek

  8. anna from savannah5:50 AM

    I see Malibubarbitch has reinvented herself with a new, tacky name. Never learn your lesson, do you? Since Eire left the scene the comments have been lame and totally not interesting. She's ill with cancer so she has an excuse. First time in days and days I have even bothered to look at the comments. May be another month before I venture in again.

  9. Uh, okay, why are we wading in here? Fact: Raspberry Beret is a weirdo for even noticing, much less commenting, on what DH does. You seem to be pissed off that someone else has pointed that out. By all means, keep away from the comments section.

  10. Simon7:56 AM

    I would love to hear the story behind that! He probably hit on them.

  11. Dunno8:18 AM

    Could be related to this...


  12. Why don't YOU leave a dazzling comment, then, anna, instead of expecting all of us to entertain you.

  13. Malibuborebee1:17 PM

    No, you paranoid moron, I haven't reinvented myself. I'm right here.

    The only time I use another name is when I'm goofing on someone and it's always fairly obvious. When I comment on something of Derek's I comment as myself. Why would I bother to hide it?

    Only dumb twats like you and your little "friends" hide yourselves behind alter-egos around here.

  14. Stacey2:55 PM

    What did Stamos do to the girls?

  15. Those girls creep me out. Big time. Their energy is ghoulish. That reminds me. I have to share a resto story related to these comments some time.

  16. Eunice2:51 AM

    Blech. That was hard to even read without getting sick. If that's true, no wonder all those girls are so messed up.

    It all seems to fit in that BI that "dunno" posted too. Stamos is nasty.

  17. longtimereader3:32 AM

    Wasn't there an old enty blind where it was insinuated that stamos hit on both of them when they were 'of age'?

  18. anonymous8:26 AM

    The ultra-creepy Olsens, of course. They are so icky and disgusting, and yet richly, richly rewarded for keeping their icky disgusting skeletons in the public eye. And aging badly, too!

  19. TheNewGuy11:06 AM

    I gotta reply to this. I run a pretty active forum and I hear that a lot since anytime you click on my profile it always shows me "online". We live in the 21st century where we have things like smartphones and tablets. Combining data and WiFi, one can be constantly connected to the internet all the time, therefore making it easy to (in my case) monitor and run my forum any time or (in Derek's case) reply to as many blinds as he wants.

    It's as simple pulling out your phone and bringing up the site. It's not different than some 16 year old kid always updating Instagram/SnapChat/Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr, etc. It seems like it's all they do but they're probably out living life but the little devices in their pockets are always connected to the internet, giving them the opportunity to update whatever at a moment's notice. Same concept here.
