Thursday, May 05, 2016

Blind Item #9

I think he found someone. He actually found someone willing to be with him again. This A+ list mostly movie actor convinced his foreign born co-star from a very very recent film to publicly date him.


  1. Kno Won Uno3:46 AM

    Tom Cruise

  2. Kno Won Uno3:48 AM

    Annabelle Wallis

  3. Kno Won Uno3:50 AM

    No - Sofia Boutella, maybe.

  4. sandybrook3:51 AM


  5. sandybrook4:02 AM

    Rebecca Ferguson--Mission Impossible

  6. hothotheat4:06 AM

    Definitely Tom Cruise. Wallis would do something like this, not sure if she's a recent co-star.

  7. Kno Won Uno4:09 AM

    She is, in The Mummy (as is Sofia Boutella), but Wallis is supposed to be dating the former Mr Goop, I think.

  8. mariaj4:16 AM

    Yeah, Tom Cruise, and on BG ( that has become boring ) they said time ago that there were talkings about contract and all.

  9. TopperMadison4:31 AM

    This is soooo stupid. All he needs to do is call me. Tom!! Over here! Just cover my mortgage and throw me a few grand monthly stipend and I'll be your public girlfriend and leave you alone the rest of the time. sheesh.

  10. madleytruly4:49 AM

    the greatest thing tom cruise could do is get out of scientology and then do a role sort of based on scientology and then win an oscar finally

  11. back again4:52 AM

    This is a repeat Blind ....again.
    @ Kno's right- Tom Cruise & Sofia Boutella.

  12. No kidding. BG sucks. In other news, who the hell still thinks Tom Cruise is A+ list?

  13. Nobody THINKS Cruise is A+. Everybody KNOWS he's at least A++.

    They are always pairing Cruise with co-stars or assistants for click bait. The relationship never materializes.

  14. Chi chi8:53 AM

    +1 for Tom Cruise. If he is gay ,do you think all the dating is just for beardings saor do you think he is genuinely trying g to convince himself he's straight, what with scientology being anti gay?

  15. Chi chi8:55 AM

    That should have been "for the sake of bearding" typing like I'm wearing oven mitts today.

  16. Studio549:18 AM

    Do you remember when the name "Tom Cruise" was spoken by Rosie O'Donnell as the epitome of an all around great guy? Well, those days are long over. What used to be that Tom was swallowed whole by Scientology. Everything else has had to fall by the wayside, including his career, fans and reputation. You would not want to even publicly date Cruise unless you like Stepford people. All you would ever hear him drone on about is The Cult. Kongay would be preferable to be a beard for because at least his mind isn't owned lock, stock and barrel by THEM.

  17. texasrose10:26 AM

    Wouldn't she have to be COS member?

  18. LaBomba1:13 PM

    The Swedes don't go for religion, so not Rebecca Ferguson.

  19. Rebecca Ferguson is married or similarly attached in the Swedish way, I believe.

  20. How ironic. I just watched Going Clear last night. The head guy at the church's father was on Faux news and it reminded me to watch it again. I cannot believe they have kept their tax exempt status as a church.

  21. Malibuborebee8:23 AM

    With all the problems that the clams have had lately, I can't imagine that Miss Cabbage would allow Tom to contract with anyone who wasn't a hardcore Scieno.
