Saturday, May 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 20, 2015

When this former stand up comedian turned television actor turned back into stand up comic hooks up with waitresses in Vegas he treats them like crap. Many a time he has not even let them put on their clothes after sex and sends them out in the hall wearing nothing. He treats all his hookers way better.

George Lopez


  1. bush bunny2:58 AM

    I'd rather douche with drano than sleep with George Lopez! What are these women thinking?!

  2. Hmmm...
    I always wondered WHY? he only hosted one Bob Hope Desert Classic a few years back.
    It's probably that the Organizers found out pretty quickly he is such an unappreciative ass!

  3. wtf is his friendship w/ american sweetheart sandra bullock?

  4. Just Saying4:06 AM


  5. Malibuborebee8:21 AM

    I never got the Sandy Bullock thing either, @inga, still don't.

  6. syvyn119:03 AM

    All I need to know about the A$$hole is that when his then wife gave him her kidney, he divorced her. As a dialysis patient myself, if a friend of mine donated their kidney, I would worship the ground they walked on. And it still wouldn't be payback enough.

  7. Lol i aas just gonna say who in their right mind would sleep with George Lopez. Even for $$.

  8. Methinks she is not the sweetheart we are led to believe she is. Circa Reese W and Julia R. They have an image and theyre sticking to it.

  9. Unappreciative as in cheating on his wife (and dumping her??) after she donated a kidney to him.

  10. Penelope212:23 PM

    He used her.... and I heard the divorce was acrimonious because he shmoozed her while trying to convince her to donate her kidney, telling her he'd love her forever and spend the rest of his life showing her how much he appreciates it, then immediately started partying and mistreating HER kidney with alcohol, cheated on her with strippers, and leaving her.

    When he ruins this kidney, he won't have anyone to turn to.

  11. Type Name Here5:34 PM

    Hahahaha, excellent! I've never commented on here before, but this was priceless! And I totally agree.
    "Douche with drano..." LOL.

  12. Martina1:17 AM

    lol ... the solution would be to douche with Drano then ride his face
