Friday, May 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4-Kindnesss

March 16, 2016

This actor was A list in his pay cable show. He has been in a monster hit movie as recently as last year. Oh, he also has a franchise and can play serious to slapstick. Lately, he has been starring in a play and each day for the past month he has given a homeless person $200. The same person. Every single day.

Jeff Daniels


  1. sandybrook2:46 AM

    Hopefully the himeless guy isn't one of the ones who walks around the corner, gets in his Lexus and goes home to his house in the suburbs (yeah, that happened).

  2. Kno Won Uno2:53 AM

    Is it his father?

  3. Lurky McLurkster3:01 AM

    Don't judge me. I need to make a living too

  4. Kelly3:08 AM

    Hopefully this homeless person is putting that $6K to good use!

  5. HH3143:21 AM

    Alcohol and drugs, what better use

  6. Kibble3:36 AM

    Jeff D. seems like a decent chap. And regardless of what the homeless person does with the cash, it does not diminish the kindness of Daniel's actions.

  7. mariaj3:49 AM

    Not a big gesture, but a very nice one nonethless

  8. bubbles5:24 AM

    6k? How did you come up with that number? 6 shows a week or better yet, shows only 6 nights out of the week, is $1200 a week or about $4800 a month, which seems like pretty damn good work if you can get it. Where do I sign up?

  9. Malibuborebee5:37 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake.

    Homeless people begging on the streets do not have expensive cars and houses in the suburbs. DUH.

    In fact, I've never seen proof of even one such person actually existing. It's all vague stories and "My cousin saw...blah blah blah" meaning it's total bullshit.

    Anecdotes aren't data.

  10. Malibuborebee5:40 AM

    Jeff Daniels is a sweetheart. He single-handedly supports a theater group in the (non Hollywood) town he lives in and he has a pretty decent band.

  11. Every single day. For the past month. Quotes directly from Enty. That's 30 days of $200, or $6000.

  12. Snarknado4:49 PM

    I have proof. The St. Louis Post Dispatch outed a pair of middle age sisters who haunted the downtown area begging for money and who lived in a very cushy suburban home, with no money worries. They were just adding the money to their big bank accounts. I gave them 12 bucks and felt like an idiot when I saw the article.

  13. Goose5:57 PM

    Google it. Plenty of reputable news organizations have investigated these 'beggars'. However, I doubt this particular beggar is ine of them. Plenty of homeless in NYC.

  14. counter6:11 AM

    The local news followed one who had a Tahoe on he other side of the block and a nice home miles away.
    One outside my usual grocery store takes in about $300/ day per employees' counts. And goes into the store to buy lottery tix and Starbucks.
    Some run a con, some are lazy, some feel entitled, some prefer the "freedom", and some should have mental help.

  15. Whoopsie4:01 PM

    At one point during the '90's, I worked in a large department store in NYC whose name began with a B in the fine jewelry department. There was a homeless woman who you could, quite unfortunately, detect the odor of several minutes before you saw her. Several times per week the security guards would have to escorts her from the premises after finding her trying to spend the night in the bathroom. She would, from time to time purchase jewelry with cash from the fine jewelry department. There was no choice but to serve her since it's blatantly against the law to discriminate.
