Sunday, May 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 27, 2016

I’m not a fan of this B+ list model wannabe talk show host/thirsty for fame/frequent social media poster. That being said, she did not deserve all the trashing she took at a party thrown in her honor. Apparently everyone, and by everyone, I mean this A+ list reality star kept talking smack about how the whole thing was cheap and tacky. Yeah, like all the f**king clothes and everything else in her life we are all subjected to on a daily basis that she thinks are so amazing because they come from that stupid f**k who blew all his money on a lame idea and has to bow down to the great and powerful Oz every five seconds.

Chrissy Teigen's baby shower/Kim Kardashian/Kanye West/Jay-Z


  1. Derek Harvey1:48 AM

    Nailed it

    and I like her. She seems like a friend in my head. Although I dont understand why she is always with those Kartrashians...

  2. Airhead2:51 AM

    I think Chrissy is great, she actually has a personality and can make ppl laughing. The only ppl laughing around Kim and Kanye are probably laughing at them. Chrissy and John are such an elegant yet fun couple, while I feel like the mood is brought down anytime Kim and Kanye are around, they both seem too stuck up to have fun.

  3. sandybrook2:58 AM

    Entard, such language! Highly unlike your usual self.

  4. bush bunny2:58 AM

    I don't think Kim and Kanye are stuck up. I think they are both socially awkward in crowds, suffer from very low self-esteem and are now waking up to the fact that Kanye has blown through millions of his and her dollars recently. They are the deer in the headlights and the big rig is about to hit them.

  5. L0onyBins3:08 AM

    It's beyond me why people believe if they associate with the Kardashians it will put them ahead of the game. Any and all of the Kardashians, would set anyone in their family on fire, including themselves, if it will result in a little more spotlight time.

  6. Stuck up isn't really what Enty was calling them. Suck ups and Fuck ups, yes.

  7. Guesser3:39 AM

    If I remember she did have a tacky party. I guess that was the point, but didn't Kim throw her a fancy party later?

  8. I know have the best mental picture of their rubber asses melting & their weaves in flames. Thank you!

  9. Detnow4:50 AM

    There's actually a long history here. John and Kanye performed together in the early years of their careers. John actually has a cameo in the Golddigger video. And Kim and Chrissy have been friends for years, just as Kim and Chyna were too. Mainstream folks are just getting wind of John, Chrissy and Chyna but they have been in the circle for years.

  10. Studio544:59 AM

    Right on Enty! Beautifully stated in the original blind. Truer words never spoken!

  11. Derek's Anal Beads5:08 AM

    Minus you having friends... unless Google and your right hand counts.

  12. Kanye and John were actually lovers. Quiet as its kept.

  13. pretzel logic6:36 AM

    I'll bring the marshmallows and sticks. Who wants "Smores?

  14. One of my first dates with my now husband was a Kanye West concert when he and John Legend toured together. I was blown away by John Legend. He's a great talent.

  15. Detnow7:13 AM

    I know, I know. We just don't talk about those things lol.

  16. MaryM8:04 AM

    She IS nice, I've worked with Chrissy. But she can be super temperamental. I also totally believe that she was kinda stuck with Kim because John and Kanye are old friends. Chrissy doesn't realize that hanging with them will hurt her career. She doesnt really care either way but honestly, Chrissy's ego has gotten a little out of control. She definitely has two sides..

  17. Derek Harvey8:34 AM

    Cool that you worked with her. I think becoming famous could make the sweetest person a little jaded but she seems to have a good sense of humor and she can laugh at herself. ..

  18. Stacey10:32 AM

    I guess Kim has forgotten how she got famous. Maybe someone should pee on her again, as a reminder.

  19. oh. no.10:57 AM

    Toxic fumes - no thanks.

  20. Laura Palmer12:02 PM

    I love Kanye West. I love his four thousand dollar sweatpants. I love his art.

  21. Derek Harvey12:11 PM

    Awh that sounds sweet

  22. Hot Cola2:20 PM

    ^ I think so too

  23. Hot Cola2:22 PM

    LoL well said @ L0ony

  24. Andrea4:37 AM

    This blind is obviously untrue. Kim actually threw the "tacky" party for Chrissy. If you are referring to the baby shower that served McDonald's and KFC at, yeah Kim planned I don't see why she and Kanye would be laughing about it. If you are referring to some other party, I apologize but the baby shower seems to be the only party that could be characterized as "tacky" if you don't have a sense of humor.
