Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list reality star who thankfully no longer shows up on our television screens bought her brother an escort for his birthday. Our former reality star loved having sex with her so hired her for her brother too.


  1. Tricia134:45 AM


  2. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    paris hilton

  3. Tricia134:46 AM

    And Conrad I think

  4. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    Barron Hilton

  5. Derek Harvey4:47 AM

    Conrad is in Prison

  6. sandybrook4:53 AM

    what a thoughtful gift to give somebody on their birfday--the gift that keeps on giving.

  7. Tricia134:59 AM
    Lucky he only got community service .His bday was in March it seems.

  8. Kno Won Uno5:01 AM

    I have brothers and I can't imagine this sequence of events occurring.
    What's with the family sharing thing? creepy.

  9. Derek Harvey5:03 AM

    She is so dumb...She will be the first person to say "lesbians are GROSS" then go f*ck a woman
    Or "I hate blacks" and go make a rap album

  10. Malibuborebee5:21 AM

    Good point. I'd forgotten there was more than one brother and that one was in prison (where most Hiltons belong).

    Derek - I meant to answer your question from the other day but didn't get to it. The post I read where the bullies/stalkers were going mental was about Kate Hudson and Michael Kors - the reveal. And yes, it was their usual broken record, as you predicted.

    I haven't read today's blinds yet. I was reading back a couple of days (again), and I saw the bullying and homophobia went into overdrive. I suppose now that Tricia's "back" that was inevitable but I'm sorry anyway. I can see how horrible they are being to you and I'm glad you don't let those vicious, homophobic, bigoted fucking assholes run you off.

    I know that you know but it's worth saying anyway - homophobic bigotry is dying. It's not dead yet but it's dying. One day, horrid people won't join in with the homophobic, bigoted bullies and act as if it's acceptable. It was totally unacceptable yesterday, it is totally unacceptable today, it will be totally unacceptable tomorrow. I blame their parents. Like all bigots, they are awful people who weren't raised well enough to behave any better than they do. I should feel pity for them but I'll leave that to a better person than I am, I just can't fucking stand these bullying goons.

  11. Derek Harvey5:23 AM

    Thanks so much xo

  12. Whywhywhy???5:40 AM

    he's jail bound after violating parole.

  13. Give me a break5:43 AM


  14. Tricia135:56 AM

    Well glad about that - still think it's him though and is a couple months old/stale "blind" if even true. The other brothers birthday is in November- so it doesnt make sense.mor reaaaaaly stale :(

  15. Greasy Lightning6:18 AM

    I think I'm gonna be ill.

  16. Hey look6:54 AM

    Well look here we are derek and derek in the same room. Weird. How do you do that, genius? Oh wait.

  17. blahblah6:55 AM


  18. Malibuborebee7:16 AM

    I'm not Derek, I have never been Derek and I've been reading this site longer than just about any of you (including Derek).

    You want to align yourself with homophobic bigots and jump on their ugly, prejudiced bandwagon while they stalk, bully and attack Derek? Go right ahead. Don't be surprised when people find you repugnant and call you out for it.

    Homophobic bigots will never be accepted here or anywhere (oh, okay, maybe they'd be accepted at a Klan rally).

  19. Malibuborebee7:21 AM

    It's weird, Paris is one of those "Everyone used to know that she was gay but now everyone forgot" celebrities. I don't know how that happens but it happens.

  20. Laura Palmer7:41 AM

    Why would Paris Hilton ever need to hire an escort? No...this is ridiculous...girls would be pushing each other down the stairs to snag her...are you kidding? The money...the notoriety..the Hilton cache...I call BS...she is so out of the public eye by now..she doesn't need an escort for anonymity...does she? Plus she's a total idiot .. so ...okay maybe she's like totally wasted when she does this escort....Ill have to check in on the lesbian underground about Paris..

  21. It's been a minute7:48 AM

    Yippee! "Sasha Borebee" is back. It's been a few days.1 stops posting, the other starts.You can set your watch to it!

  22. anna from savannah7:51 AM

    The Klan hasn't 'progressed' to same sex couples yet. They are still concentrating their hate on Blacks, Catholics and Jews. Since all of them bonk their sisters/brothers/aunts/uncles/moms, I can't see how two men goin' at it is gonna seem strange to them.

    Back in the day (the 50s) the south Georgia Klan made the mistake of trying to burn down a liquor store. It was in competition to their Moonshine business. True story! Turned out this particular store belonged to Miz Mamie, my notorious grandmother. Well, when the 'boys' learned just who they were f------ with, they rushed over with wood and paint and completely restored the little liquor store to its original glory. Miz Mamie was one of the most famous Rum Runners in the US during Prohibition. She brought Rum up from Cuba and Jamaica, and Joe Kennedy brought the hard stuff down from Canada. What a team those two were! Miss her like heck every damn day! She died in 53.

  23. Little Dog8:15 AM

    Today's community service announcement has been hard to swallow

  24. BoomBoof8:54 AM

    An idea: I think we should all agree to stop replying to Sasha, Malibuborebee, Derek, and others that are suspiciously similar to them because it's waaaaaaaay better to ignore someone who thrives on attention and chaos. I'm not trying to be altruistic- I truly think the best way to watch an unhinged person implode is to not engage and just sit back and watch. Although it was pretty awesome watching Sasha say she was 100% positively definitely NOT going to say ONE MORE THING because everyone was so stupid and then would reply to someone's comment 4 seconds later. And then do it over again....

  25. America8:58 AM

    Yes, it certainly has and is.
    I need a syringe of truth serum to bring me back to reality- got any?
    Unbelievable display of - imposturing .

  26. Judge Judy's Stylist9:49 AM

    Point to any example of "homophobia" toward Derek.

  27. Derek's Anal Beads10:25 AM

    Hahahahahahaha alter egos #1 and #2 sure like having convos with one another. Uh huh.

  28. Agree BoomBoof. But on that note-this thread was funny. In an "ironic, hypocritical" kinda way.

  29. heidi montag. brother being sky montag.

  30. therealcinabun11:28 AM

    + infinity
    Def euw

  31. I wonder if the herp is a family trait or if ole Paris is the only one with it.
