Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Blind Item #12

Night after night, this A list model goes out solo or with friends. The only time anyone sees the "boyfriend" is a huge red carpet event where you have to bring a date. Apparently there is a new woman she has been quietly seeing. Very very quietly.


  1. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    karlie kloss

  2. sandybrook4:46 AM

    Karlie Kloss

  3. religiouslyconfused5:08 AM

    Yes, I think Karlie is a good choice!

  4. Lurky McLurkster5:15 AM

    Ugh, is she really A list????? So sad

  5. Guesser5:46 AM

    What about Kendal? She's out all the time.

  6. Tea with toast6:07 AM

    Gigi hadid or Kendall jenner

  7. Does Kendall claim to have a boyfriend these days? I don't even try to keep up.

  8. this sounds like gigi hadid - only because kendall has never shown up w/a boyfriend on a red carpet. gigi has (w/joe jonas and most recently zayn, which is who i think the blind is referring to)

    karlie has been seen in public casually with her 'boyfriend of 4 years' (hehe) not just red carpet events.

    im just trying to use deductions here.

  9. BadgeBunny8:43 AM

    On RHBH, Yolanda stated that she wondered if Gigi was gay. It was a couple of seasons ago. Could be her.

  10. Karlie Kloss
    Kendall&GIGI = B+ lister in fashion industry + "celebrity offspring" and zayn always get paps

    who tf is she seeing?

  11. Karlie was seen with her boyfirend last week twice
    Kendall doesn't really have boy right now
    It's Gigi
    Zayn is always nowhere to be seen. The new woman can very well be Taylor. Those two are close but rarely papped together

  12. sippingtea12:05 PM

    i hope it's karlie kloss. so ready for her to ditch taytay

  13. Claire12:17 PM

    Why does everyone on CDAN seem to think that EVERY model is secretly a lesbian? No doubt that some are, but really? Gigi, Kendall, AND Karlie? I doubt it

  14. Gigi Hadid??
    Karlie Kloss has never brought her boyfriend to any red carpet events, they keep it lowkey. Kendall hasn't either.

  15. A-list celeb? No. A-list model? Yes. She's the best in her industry.

    They're definitely alluding to Karlie here. Josh only comes around when it's needed.

  16. Jim Summers3:10 PM

    Not every model but several of them are lesbians. Gigi and Kendall are lesbian lovers. Karlie is a lesbian and totally gay with Swifty.

  17. Kaykay4:14 PM

    Stop taking words out of context. She said that because Gigi was wearing baggy basketball shirts, Yolanda ''wondered if she had a lesbian on her hands''. Not that she actually thought she was gay.

  18. Zayn is probably in rehab somewhere right now. If that relationship is fake for whatever reason, she seriously chose the absolute worst fake boyfriend ever. She's always holding him up. Karlie and Kendall have both been photographed with "boyfriends" in the last week. So, I conclude this blind is as fake as Hiddleswift.

  19. BadgeBunny7:35 AM

    I'm not taking words out of context, but I can if I choose to. This is an entertainment site where we are welcome to make guesses to blinds. I made my guess. Stay in your own lane.
