Monday, June 13, 2016

Blind Item #2

Things are getting serious for this foreign born boy bander turned solo singer. He nearly died over the weekend.


  1. Kno Won Uno11:51 PM

    Zayn Malik

  2. Karma K12:00 AM

    Hopefully he has lots of music recorded to be released posthumously.

  3. I don't know why this is the first time it occurred to me to wonder whether that was a suicide attempt. They're making no bones about his anxiety and depression.

  4. To see it is to believe it

  5. Barney Stinson12:12 AM

    bcoZ they make money out of him

  6. If it's Zayn, IMAO he needs a good psychiatric doctor to help him.
    And, he needs to change his "friends" who just enable him to self medicate -- which never, ever works.

  7. Hopefully he gets help and everyone around him stops enabling him.

  8. From what I heard the reason the Hadid girl and he reunited was because he enabled her to do drugs.

  9. Gookie12:49 AM

    I heard he's really a giant chicken. (Obscure animaniacs reference)

  10. Who's buying it?

  11. Karma K1:02 AM

    The same people who buy his crap music now.

  12. Sbreezy291:19 AM

    He cancelled a concert due to "anxiety" over the weekend. Possible overdose maybe? Where the hell are his handlers and family at? I hope someone cares about him enough to get him help b4 it's too late!

  13. MysticChic2:11 AM


    I just discovered Animaniacs thanks to netflicks and my daughter. I was busy working theater those days and missed the whole run. Loving it! Chicken Boo!

  14. Gookie2:16 AM

    Glad you're enjoying it. It was such an underrated and adult cartoon. Wheel of Morality? Fingerprints? The latter was perfect.

  15. MysticChic2:41 AM

    And for peeps who know old Hollywood and the inside industry jokes....really good. Now my catchphrase is "ok I love you bye bye" and "ok laaaydee"

    I have to repress my inner Slappy Squirrel I never knew I had.

  16. Gookie2:53 AM

    Slappy reminds me of Maxine the Hallmark grouch. When I would go out with friends and we'd introduce ourselves I'd always say "I'm the cute one."

  17. longtimereader3:08 AM

    Yes, because we need to be abused further...

  18. It's been suggested that all that "anxiety and depression" is just a cover for being high out of his mind and unable to perform when he's needed.

  19. We had a blind plus answer about him. Heidi Klum called him out saying she knew heroin sickness when she saw it. Just from photos, he doesn't look as skinny as he used to. Maybe he was getting help and fell off the wagon. I've read that if you haven't had it for awhile, then take the same amount you used to, the body can't handle it and many die that way. Scary, scary scary.

  20. Malibuborebee4:57 AM

    I thought "exhaustion and dehydration" was the cover for being high out of your mind and unable to perform when you're needed.

  21. therealcinabun8:34 AM

    That's true w/ any drug (including alcohol). It's a rebound effect. Happens when they stop for a while & then go back to last amount. Causes many accidental ODs.
    Another good reason for more treatment & education based around harm reduction.
