Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Blind Item #2

The kneepadding going on by the tabloids is unprecedented. The message has been delivered by the people of this A+ list singer. You make the A+ lister a victim in this breakup and you play by the rules set or you won't ever get an interview with her again. The rules include several key words and phrases that must be used when discussing the singer and her relationship.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM


  2. sandybrook11:46 PM

    Tay and Calvin

  3. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Or Taylor "Shifty" fits better of late

  4. Khaleesi11:53 PM

    Taylor Shit

  5. back again11:54 PM

    well this obviously isn't a Blind however it's also obviously true...Has Wendy Williams delivered the real story about Tay-Tay's lies & fuzzy math about # of weeks she's actually been with Tom H. yet?

  6. Is Swifter part of the mafia????? Why are people so afraid of her? I said it before and I'll say it again, I think this girl has a lot of skeletons in her closet. She may want to be careful.

  7. Just4Fun12:41 AM

    Maybe I read this column too much but is ANYONE being conned by the image-crafting that Swifty and her team engage in? I guess they must figure it works or they wouldn't do it, but it sure is tiresome.

  8. Airhead12:49 AM

    I wish she would just let go & have some real fun. Come on Tay Tay let's go do some body shots!! (never done a body shot)

  9. therealcinabun1:29 AM

    I think she's more scared about her tween/teen fan base buying it & her "brand." It's sad that people who are talented are not allowed to be human & need to appear perfect - physically, mentally, etc. I can't even imagine that pressure. We live in such a bizarre society to expect so much of us that we seem to lose a common decency along with it.
    That said, it would be nice to see her & not the image, but I doubt that'll happen (see above).

  10. I don't get the fear of her either. What -- because she writes and sings songs about her breakups makes her powerful? GMAFB. I'd snap her like the twig she is.
    So bored of her and her "I am God, bow down to me, I am taylor swift" shit.

  11. Kno Won Uno1:51 AM

    If she spent as much time writing "songs" as she does manufacturing her image, maybe something she recorded would be bearable for people over the age of 14.

  12. mastik81:51 AM

    Sometimes it seems like life is lived upside down, backwards, in a fun house mirror. Shouldn't she be more scared that they'll stop covering her? The entertainment industry is great at manufacturing stars and, in time, another will come along that eclipses her. If someone said no more articles or interviews, no more pics, no more pap shots, etc. wouldn't her sales drop?

  13. Kno Won Uno1:52 AM

    + forever

  14. killknose2:14 AM


    the ultimate skeleton is that she is IN the closet. every public boyfriend she's had, she had a REAL girlfriend during him.

  15. MysticChic2:19 AM

    My 12 year old is over her songs. Shifty is over exposed even to the tween set.

  16. MysticChic2:23 AM

    Maybe her bearded closeted male counterparts are more in need of her than anyone else.

    The mean girl thing can't be underestimated. Who knows what S*it she has on people in the industry? Producers and those types because she gets radio air time in constant rotation. My first thought was that she went down on some high level creeps on clear channel or I heart radio or Disney and that's where her real leverage is.

  17. syvyn112:52 AM

    Why are people scared of her..... A few million rabid fans and over $200 million in the bank?

  18. longtimereader3:29 AM

    She makes bank and has since the start of her career, made friends with very powerful players like spielberg or harvey W. She is also tight with apple and bought into several companies that run the infrastructure of the industry, like touring. Hence how the d.j. got the headline at cochella. Don't f*** with this shark in other words. Meanwhile katy spent her time with the likes of riff raff on coke...

  19. Zilla13:33 AM

    Remember when music careers were about music and not about who one was or wasn't (contract) dating?

  20. Tracy3:43 AM

    Her fake gay toy is so embarrassing.

  21. Gaylor Fan4:27 AM

    Anyone else getting 2012 deja vu with the "boyfriends"??? But before Karlie Kloss, it was Dianna Agron as the "best friend", going on trips with Taylor to the Kennedy compound? London with Taylor and Harry Styles? When Taylor got "dumped" (contract ended) by those guys, Taylor ran right back to her best friend.

    So was Calvin - Conor, and Tom is Harry?

  22. Sophie5:25 AM


  23. BETTY BOTOX5:43 AM

    Her family is a big deal down South. She was born with a platinum spoon in her mouth. All the early photos of her as a chubby, unattractive Southern Belle have disappeared from the Internet. She not only exercised herself to death to achieve the current long, lanky look, she's had a fair amount of the old plastic surgery. I can tell you, with authority, her shelf life is very limited. Enjoy it while you can, Miss Thang. Stardom is fleeting. Every man she has ever dated is gay. She ain't foolin' nobody, y'all.

  24. she is too tall for tom cruise (every woman is), but she is perfect for his church...
    btw, who is her father? what kind of mafia?
    she is not from an "old money", she is minimally talented, her voice is weak, her body moves are painful to watch, her "surprise" open mouth is .....
    she is just 26 y.o., we have 40 more years w/ her...

  25. Yeahsure8:43 AM

    "Every man she has ever dated is gay. She ain't foolin' nobody, y'all."

    This^^^ - been on the fence about Hiddles for awhile but TayTo tears it - so, in fact, did the W photo spread, although I'm sure he did it hoping for the opposite effect. Poor Tom - desperation city! And OMG you should read the thread on this on data lounge!!!!

  26. Antonio5:40 PM

    No she didn't start making bank until Kanye rudely interrupted her award speech. She was very unknown and nowhere near as popular. It seems after that incident everyone propelled Taylor Swift to the spotlight and she became an overnight success. I'm pretty sure it's because she was white and he was black but seriously have you heard her perform live? She sucks. If Kanye hadn't opened his big mouth I can guarantee you she wouldn't have the notoriety she does today. Thank you

  27. LucidDreams12:04 AM

