Monday, June 06, 2016

Blind Item #2

Our favorite B list foreign born singer/actress got a huge check. Really big. For someone with the lack of success she has as a singer she got a big settlement. A keep quiet about things big settlement. Now she can start fresh and be bad somewhere else.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Rita Ora

  2. Khaleesi11:50 PM

    Enty when you reveal this, please include what that big settlement is all about

  3. Tricia1311:56 PM

    She just settled with RocNation/JayZ so I think he's implying it's hush money over alleged affair w/Jay etc. she essentially is out of her contract and can record(greeeeeat) again.

  4. Snookiemonster11:59 PM

    Was the check from Taytay? She did date calvin harris. Was she with him before that car accident?

  5. Tricia1312:04 AM

    Hmm- good point, that could totally be.

  6. Kno Won Uno12:06 AM

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZ....not a blind. Ora's now permitted to record whilst wrangling with Jay Z

  7. Kno Won Uno12:07 AM

  8. Khaleesi12:10 AM

    Isnt she aware that no one cares if she disappears? Lol!

  9. Tricia1312:20 AM

    Lol. Nope it seems!

  10. Rita Ora and Rock Nation. Dubt its an affair they want her to keep quite about as it would only hurt her career, has to be illegal activites

  11. El Prez1:52 AM

    Am I the only one who wishes Jayz and Beyonce go down like Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston?

  12. And here I thought perhaps someone ignored her safe word on the yacht.

  13. bibblo2:59 AM

    no, you are not the only one. I wish first their real ages would be made mainstream. Jay is almost 50, bey almost 40.

    I hope they crash and burn hard. and if they dont know, when their daughter figures out what the internet is and how to use it to find out secrets about her parents...THAT is when all shall be good (bad for them though.....)

    famous parents raising kids in the internet age have no idea what they are in for.... :-D

  14. Kno Won Uno3:46 AM

    Another blind gossip site has an item that says Jay's people are busily sabotaging Ora and she won't be able to record anywhere, anyway.
    I hope I never piss him off.

  15. Hot Cola4:29 AM

    Ora / Jay Z

  16. Hot Cola4:31 AM

    Yeah, except in this senario Bey will be the Boby Brown....

  17. Studio547:50 AM

    For someone brave in the press like Enty: Please write a book explaining exactly how a former crack dealer got all this money and power. He's a zero in the talent and looks department as far as I can tell. Has anyone but B and Ri ever benefited from having anything to do with him? I don't get the rise of him at all. I get the reasons for his sham marriage, but not the rise of him. What business exactly of his is any type of a success? I am thinking of money laundering and stuff, like a recent blind alluded to.

  18. But isn't that a kindness for the rest of us?

  19. Kno Won Uno10:11 AM

    Thanks, Jay Z!

  20. That item apparently was about Kesha.

  21. Kno Won Uno11:45 AM

    Really? I didn't go back after my initial read.

  22. Kno Won Uno11:45 AM

    I don't get him, either.

  23. Nope. I was just debating a friend over this very topic. He is shady as F, so is she. All of the substance running and pistol activity at his club just went away. Yet they try so hard to be legit. Funny that....
