Sunday, June 19, 2016

Blind Item #4

This A- list actor/writer is cheating on his very well known actress wife. He is really rolling the dice with this one.


  1. Tricia132:45 AM

    Justin Theroux

  2. Derek Harvey2:45 AM

    justin therox

  3. Tricia132:45 AM

    And Jen A

  4. sandybrook2:46 AM


  5. Ms. Anne Thrope2:49 AM

    Judd Apatow

  6. Ms. Anne Thrope2:52 AM

    married to Leslie Mann

  7. Tricia132:54 AM

    I love the Apatows together:(

  8. VIP Blahh3:10 AM

    Missed it

  9. Didn't he allegedly father Lives Tyler's baby too

  10. Small Penis Porn3:42 AM

    Chris Henchy/Brook Shields

  11. texasrose4:06 AM

    There will be rumors like this until they are true.

  12. nancer4:35 AM

    i just wouldn't agree that leslie mann is 'very well known.' and i don't think theroux is A-, or at least he's not to me.
    the brooke shields/chris henchy guess is the best so far, IMO.

  13. Malibuborebee4:47 AM

    The key is obviously "rolling the dice" but I have no idea what it means or who it connects to this blind. Mr. Aniston was my first thought.

  14. I heard they were living separate lives eons ago, though.

  15. Claire5:11 AM

    Didn't Theroux cheat on his significant other with Aniston? Once a cheater, always a cheater.

  16. Wendy6:23 AM

    There's been cheating rumors here about Theroux for awhile hasn't there?

    If it didn't say A- actor I would say it's David Hornsby, wife is Emily Deschanel, he's a writer of it's always sunny, but I wouldn't call him an A- list actor, even if i do love rickety cricket lol.

    It's probably Theroux

  17. Does Affleck roll dice too? I'm not that familiar with his gambling exploits.

    The warning may be about who he's cheating with, not that he's cheating because he is a busted cheater and he and Garner are over for all practical purposes.

  18. I am going to guess Ben A. too.... and whoever it is, must not have any issues going public with pics or a tape. *gets popcorn ready* If it's not Ben A., then whoever this person is cheating with must be a loose cannon.

  19. Studio548:29 AM

    It's Jen's big ego that led her to marry that guy who has always cheated on her too. She was embarrassed because Brad was in a long time relationship, and all hers ended, so she married this guy who she knew cheated on her for appearances sake.

  20. therealcinabun9:07 AM

    Details, please!!!

  21. therealcinabun9:09 AM

    I'll second or third Affleck & Garner. Makes sense with his known gambling issues.

  22. Affleck and Garner are already separated, and Garner is well aware of Ben's cheating when they were together so it's likely not them. Brooke Shield's husband isn't anywhere close to A-, so doubt it's him. Justin is probably the answer which fits the best, but, again, he and Aniston married for PR, not love, and are apart for weeks at a time, living their own lives. Jen would only care if the cheating was indiscreet and embarrassed her somehow. I suspect the "rolling the dice with this one" comment has more to do with the identity of his sidepiece - a friend of Jen's perhaps - rather than Jen herself.

  23. Wendy1:33 PM

    Ben and Jen are separated so I don't think it's technically cheating....they aren't together anymore. I don't think this is him.

  24. Studio542:37 PM

    Jen A. is going to allow it, because it's a fake marriage anyway, to fool the public, to assuage her ego. She would feel she looks like more of a fool to admit the thing is a sham for cheating and divorce him. If "cheating" ever bothered her, she wouldn't have married him in the first place.

  25. Brad Pitt. "ROLLING THE DICE" is a clue, he was in Oceans Eleven

  26. Cindy2:55 AM

    Good guess!

  27. Laura Palmer1:14 PM

    Is pitt writing...? He sure looks like he is having some kind of something.
