Thursday, June 09, 2016

Blind Item #7 - CMT Awards

One person who definitely will not be invited back to the show is this anchor/reporter/host who ticked off everyone she came into contact with. No one had anything nice to say about her and her demands were out of control.


  1. Derek Harvey1:30 AM

    erin andrews

  2. Tricia131:30 AM

    Erin Andrews

  3. Kno Won Uno1:33 AM

    And her witch face is collapsing inward right on schedule.
    She'd better marry that guy real quick before her nose touches her chin. No one wants to see wedding pics with a nose-chin

  4. Zilla11:36 AM

    Erin is an anchor?

  5. Derek Harvey1:36 AM

    lol---according to the DM she "was STUNNING" -but they say that about literally everyone-I think even Tori Spelling

  6. Derek Harvey1:36 AM

    sports anchor

  7. Khaleesi1:43 AM

    Erin andrews?

  8. Kno Won Uno1:44 AM

    Except Beatrice & Eugenie, the dowdy extra princesses

  9. Khaleesi1:44 AM

    LOL @ Tori Spelling!

  10. Shalene1:48 AM

    She's played the victim card out. She's not liked by ANYONE she comes across. I get she had a peeping tom. But the media equaled the situation as rape. I've got a friend that's had more peeper than she can count.

  11. Zilla11:51 AM

    I thought she was just a reporter. But then I don't follow sports.

  12. Zilla11:53 AM

    I'm almost certain your friend hasn't been inadvertently seen naked by millions of people around the world because someone deliberately installed a camera in her hotel room.

  13. Erin Andrews

    Anchor - she's done anchoring for sports
    Host - DWTS
    Reporter - she's a sideline reporter for ESPN

    She outed Maks and Peta's pregnancy without permission. She's obnoxious. And she was like this before the hotel incident. She went all Hollywood after doing DWTS as a contestant. She used to be really down to earth. She needs to stay in sports and get out of the entertainment industry. Her father is also a respected anchor/reporter in FL

  14. bush bunny2:32 AM

    Barbra Streisand is currently playing the Diva role as she prepares for Sunday's Tony Awards. The venue has moved from the huge Radio City Music Hall to the tiny Beacon Theatre. Many famous actors have not been able to get tickets. Barbra demanded 25 seats and, of course, got them. You won't see her until the very end of the show when she presents the award for Best Musical. But, of course, we will watch it just to see her. And Hamilton getting all the awards they so richly deserve. Don't ya just love show biz?

  15. First: JJ Watt is Gay!
    Now: Eric Andrews is a Diva!

    Oh, well, I am so glad I miss this show (every year).

  16. @kno !!! I have been trying to think what her face reminded me of--like those Kitchen Witches from the old days

    It's definitely going to look KW-ish sooner rather than later

  17. Baby Trisha Harvey3:28 AM

    This blind is obviously about daddy!

  18. Lumpy Oatmeal9:10 AM

    Erin Andrews host last year with an actress. Are we to understand that Erin wasn't acting like a diva last year? I find that hard to believe. She always acts like a diva. It's a rep that's followed her everywhere. Also, why wasn't the actress back this year? She was a hell of a lot better than Erin. 100x better to look at too. Did Erin do something to make sure she wasn't invited back? Or was Erin such a pain to work with that she decided to sit this year out?

  19. Lumpy Oatmeal9:10 AM


  20. Unemployable9:40 AM

    Shalene, Ive apologized to your friend a thousand times and Im complying with the judges orders now so cant we just agree to forget about that unfortunate incident?

  21. Malibuborebee12:53 PM

    Oh, especially about Tori Spelling but I'm pretty sure she has to pay extra for it.
