Thursday, June 02, 2016

Blind Item #8

Before agreeing to go on a date, this female fashion designer from an A list label insists on seeing her prospective suitors in nothing but a Speedo. Considering she only dates struggling models under the age of 25, she usually gets them to comply.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    donatella Versace

  2. MontanaMarriott1:46 AM

    Betsy Johnson?

  3. Kno Won Uno1:49 AM

    If you can afford to make demands like that, do it. Women have been appearing in next to nothing for centuries.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:51 AM

    Sounds like it might be her - since it says "A list label", but not specifically HER label.
    Chanel would be A+ list, Versace would be A list in 2016, was A++ in the 80s.
    Or maybe I'm talking out of my ass.

  5. Derek Harvey1:55 AM

    I agree--it is not as popular anymore-it was A+ in the 90s. Dior, Chanel, Prada, LV is more A-list these days- I definitely don't think Betsy Johnson is A-list anymore either. Her clothes are always on the bargain racks and discount stores.

  6. New Gossip Fan1:57 AM

    Stella McCartney

  7. Zilla12:03 AM

    Donna Karan

  8. sandybrook2:21 AM

    I wonder what 25 yr old (probably gay) male model/stud would ask Donatella Versace out on a date? (since she has to agree to go, she sure isn't doing the asking).

  9. Truther2:51 AM

    Any 25 yr old man looking to strike it rich.

    Don't be surprised - many young women do it all the time.

  10. mastik83:27 AM

    Oy. That face and those lips. Neither age nor gravity have been nice to her. The poor guys roofie themselves to get through it.

  11. bush bunny4:27 AM

    I am sure you would agree, Mast, she did this to herself with bad plastic surgery and greed. Nary a tear will drop from my eyes over her hideous face. All her millions can't bring her original face back. 40 miles of sad.

  12. Truther5:05 AM

    40 miles of stupid is more like it. :)

  13. Studio545:26 AM

    If that's the only guys she will date, she is can only expect gold diggers, solely out for her money like Corey Gamble.

  14. Hot Cola10:11 AM

    Shit I'm in the wrong career!

  15. Hot Cola10:12 AM

    She looks like a vampire.
    Truly sceary

  16. For the last couple of years Versace has had really nice stuff but ewwwwwww.

  17. whywhywhy???10:57 AM

    One would have be very ambitious or really need a come up to model for that leering at the package. Eck. Donatella is like a vampire crypt keeper.

  18. Cinabun2:08 AM

    Euw. I hope I can un-view that image soon. Gah!!!

  19. Cinabun2:10 AM

    Makes more physiological sense for a woman to be with a younger man than vice versa anyway.
