Monday, June 13, 2016

Blind Item #9

This former tweener turned B+ list singer is going to come out. She has always kept her girlfriends hidden but in the wake of her most recent breakup, her next public relationship will be with a woman she has been seeing for awhile.


  1. Tricia133:45 AM

    Demi Lovato

  2. Tricia133:46 AM

    Been saying that a long time Entser

  3. sandybrook3:46 AM

    demi lovato

  4. Courtney4:03 AM

    Definitely Demi Lovato. Oh come on, Enty. Even I could guess this one!

  5. macholos4:11 AM

    demi and fez were always double-bearding could score girls and boys together

  6. macholos4:11 AM

    he didnt it with lindsay too

  7. Demi and Iggy, sitting in a tree......

  8. popcorn chicken4:29 AM

    Anyone else notice how so many rumors and blinds about wilmer were about what a jerk stud womanizer he is? Real womanizers keep their dirty deeds on the downlow. If all you hear about a famous guy is what a girl loving piece of hetero man beef he is ask yourself why his pr team are deliberately planting those blinds. Nine times out of ten it's because he's gay.

  9. That too4:32 AM

    Cough *leonardo decaprio * cough *simon cowell * cough * george clooney before the wife/beard.

  10. cebii4:49 AM

    Huffington Post set the table for the announcement, so it can't be that big of a secret:

  11. Kno Won Uno4:55 AM

    Some of Enty's items aren't really blinds, they're more Blurred Items or Hazy Items. ;-)

  12. Derek Harvey4:57 AM

    Where's CDAN resident degenerate today? He must have an emotional hangover from yesterdays shitshow.
    Isnt demi cheating because of you?
    Isnt jeremy renner cheating because of you?
    Isnt sean penn being hunted by el chapo because of you?
    Where are you? Isnt this all about you?
    For fucksake, at least grace us with your numerous idiotic guesses.

  13. You are one obsessed lunatic. Seek help.

  14. Jim Summers12:30 PM

    Definitely Demi Lovato. The rumor is that she was the one who introduced Selena Gomez to the pleasures of lesbianism back when they were young friends. It also explains why when their friendship broke up it was so awkward for both of them.

  15. therealcinabun2:19 PM

    Gee, I just thought it was b/c of drugs....never heard this one before. Gotta link? ;)

  16. GroovieMann6:50 AM

    Good for her if she does...I'm just glad she finally got handsy Manny out of the picture.

    She seems like a good soul.
