Sunday, June 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 31, 2016

There is a real battle going on right now between this recent A+ list mostly movie actor who has a monster franchise and his entire team. Our actor has always been conservative but he is really becoming outspoken and his team want him to stop. They think it will affect his career. He doesn’t care.

Chris Pratt


  1. Derek Harvey1:35 AM

    Got it

  2. And-so-on..1:43 AM

    Are you a man or a mouse..? Conservative about what that is so damaging you must lie, run away in fear.. refuse to answer or or say hey shut up and let's talk about the movie or my so so special
    A+ selfie Kaaa.............aaaaaaaaaaaay?

  3. mariaj1:48 AM

    " He doesn’t care." As much as i don't share his political wiew, kudos to him for being open and outsposken, do what you feel right, dude.

    ( marginally, in light of some blinds that says that he cheats ,we may say that he is quite an yipocrite, since cheating is not very religious, but, ehi, give him the benefit of the doubt )

  4. Honeybunny1:57 AM

    I'm sorry but actors are people to and have a right to say what's on their minds just like everyone else.

  5. Salaam2:03 AM

    If he truly doesn't care, that makes me love him even more.

  6. i think it's okay to be religious. I just don't like it when they rub it in my face.
    (...and I don't hate my dad just because he didn't treat me like I thought I should be treated.)

  7. sandybrook2:41 AM

    Yet I haven't heard him saying much that gets headlines.

  8. Alpha2:52 AM

    Of course they have the right but how many times after a blind is revealed do people comment, holy cow he cheated on his wife? I'm no longer a fan or, he's a scientologist? Darn it, I loved his movies but I can't support him any longer. If they aren't bankable they stop getting hired.

  9. Sadie3:02 AM

    I'm a liberal ("progressive" is for wimps) but he has every right to publicize his views - Sarandon, Ruffalo, etc. certainly do.

    That being said, it would never occur to me to change my political views because of what an actor says, and when they do expose their political views I inevitably start to view them as pains in the ass.

  10. BustedBitsh3:17 AM

    He's super religious and conservative but also on tons of meth

  11. Being conservative in America doesn't mean religious. What we are "conserving" are the revolutionary ideals of The Founders - free speech, life, liberty, and persist of happiness.

    Conservative is actually what is properly called "classically liberal".

    Progressives are authoritarians.

  12. Make that "pursuit of happiness"!

  13. mariaj3:54 AM

    And who said that i meant that " conservatives means " religious"? But he is not just outspoken about being conservative, but about being religious,too,he professes a stronh faith in Jesus and Cristianity, and his love of his family, etc...all of this is not very compatible with the supposed cheating ( but i gave him the benefit of doubt )

  14. texasrose4:14 AM

    Good for him. It will definitely hurt his career in hollywood or the entertainment business though unless he is a good country singer also.

  15. Is that how he maintains his weight?

  16. +1000 on everything you said.

  17. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:19 AM

    Nice industry. You can be an A+++ class asshole like sean penn, a rapist like woody allen or a woman beater like josh brolin, and your career will not be hurt at all; be a conservative and say goodbye to your job.
    No actor should speak about his politics, for they are no more than clowns or street mimes, but banning them if they do not agree with far left is disgusting.

  18. Claire5:20 AM

    I agree. I'm not conservative at all, but I appreciate people who are real and don't put on a fake front to the media or their audience.

  19. Claire5:23 AM

    That's not true. No one is going to not see a movie, watch a show, or listen to music because the star is conservative. How do you think Donald Trump has managed to almost be president? There are many conservative people out there who would LOVE to hear that Chris Pratt shares their views.

  20. Malibuborebee6:22 AM

    Yes of course, conservatives never get work in Hollywood. Pratt will be ruined forever, just like:

    Clint Eastwood, Robert Downey Jr., Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer, Jerry Bruckheimer, Gerald Molen, Michael Bay, Gary Sinise, Patricia Heaton, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, Adam Sandler, Angie Harmon, Tom Selleck, James Woods, Bruce Willis, Vince Vaughn, Shannen Doherty, Victoria Jackson, Dennis Miller, Rob Schneider, Melissa Joan Hart, Stacy Dash, James Earl Jones, Chuck Norris, LL Cool J, Gene Simmons, Robert Duvall, Arnold Swarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, James Caan, Susan Lucci, David Zucker, Mel Gibson, Heather Locklear, Bob Barker, 50 Cent, Tony Danza, Kurt Russell, Kristin Chenoweth, Denzel Washington, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Janine Turner and the late, great Joan Rivers.

    Those are just the ones I can think of, there are thousands more.

    Seriously, hon, this "Republicans/conservatives don't get work in Hollywood" whine is old, tired and a big fat fucking lie.

  21. AMartel6:44 AM

    Every one of the people on this list has been subject to harassment because of their views simply because those views are out of keeping with the status quo in the industry. Why else would Chris Pratt's "team" want his to keep quiet? And forget about starting out in show biz with these views. You have to fake it until you make it.

  22. Pursuit of happiness with a gun, right? The country has changed somewhat since 1776.

    No one is going to argue with "free speech, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness," only that these values don't mean license to do it all one's own way.

  23. Add to that, the laws were made BY white men FOR white men. Conservative means "we have it all and we want to keep it that way."

  24. Studio548:47 AM

    Just about all of those right wing actors and actresses mentioned are insufferable jerks, and worse. I know I haven't spent a nickel to watch any of their "art."

    Dennis Miller, what a $%%%

  25. The persecution complex that literally every Republican has is insane to me. You really think being publicly conservative ruins a career?

    Jon Voight, Clint Eastwood, Arnie, Vince Vaughn, James Caan, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Angie Harmon, Jerry Bruckheimer, Stallone - and that's off the top of my head. Not everybody there is a superstar or anything, but they're all people who get steady work.

  26. Ummm your list contains some known Democrats and Independents darling. Denzel Washington has publicly endorsed several democrats including Obama. Kristin Chenoweth has publicly identified as a liberal. LL Cool J publicly identifies as an Independent and publicly supported Obama in 2008 and 2012. Do you think that being a person of faith automatically equals being a political conservative? Not to mention some of the people on your list are unapologetic bigots. Republicans and Democrats are natural opposites but there's a difference between fiscal conservatism and a belief in smaller government versus being the party of exclusion, which is basically all the Republican Party has going for it right now. I could care less if rumored philanderer Chris Pratt goes to church every Sunday, but if he comes out in favor of a transgender bathroom ban, I am dropping him like a hot potato.

  27. If you read tweets from liberal celebrities you will see many, many tweets from conservatives harassing them for their views. It's basically if you're liberal and that celebrity is conservative you may rip into them. If you're conservative and that celebrity is liberal you may rip into them. You watch conservatives talk about how celebrities should shut up about politics when they express views against conservatives, but Clint Eastwood? Jon Voight? Or any other celebrity that's conservative? They get on Fox News and the people that were saying George Clooney should shut up are magically ok with a celebrity expressing their political views.

    The thinking by many people is "If you're not on my team you're against me and you're wrong." And I assure you, most celebrities that speaks out about politics have their team telling them they shouldn't talk about politics publicly. The rumor is that George Clooney's team has had a similar talk with him. His movies have taken a hit at the box office, so they're trying to talk him into not being so open about his politics. It's not just conservatives that have this talk with their team, it's just about every celebrity that starts to talk politics.

  28. sydguy1:59 PM

    What this blind is missing is more info about why people are being ticked off by him. My only explanation is that he's not just a passive believer, but an active one (like e.g. Tom Cruise), who tries to judge others by his religious believes, or even worst trying to recruit them to join his "church". I'm sure that among hundreds of staff working on a movie like GotG there are many of different religious denomination, who keep those to themselves.

  29. well, said Aeol.

  30. Malibuborebee10:37 AM

    You name three people on the list who have publicly been both liberal and conservative and so what? It invalidates my point? No it doesn't. Conservatives get work in Hollywood all the fucking time. They always have and they always will. This stupid fucking whining about how it's scary/dangerous to be conservative in Hollywood because you won't get work is total fucking bullshit.

    I don't know what your religious issue is, nor do I care. I never mentioned religion. I was talking about conservative politics. Period. Every person on that list has publicly declared support for conservative politics and politicians - and found plenty of work during and afterwards. Go argue religion with someone who gives a fuck about it.

  31. fritanga5:28 AM

    There's conservative, and there's conservative, & we're talking specifically about Pratt. I think there's an element of proselytism going on here, rather like Tom Cruise trying always to convert cast & crew to Co$ on his movie sets. This sounds as if Pratt is trying actively to convert people to conservative ideas (anti-women, anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, anti-non-Christian, anti-immigrant, pro-gun, anti-education, etc.), which, if he's strident about it due to his new-found popularity, wouldn't sit well with others.

    The point is, anyone in this country can think and say anything they want, but if you try to bully people into thinking as you do, expect some push-back. That's also an American right.

    Another thing I noticed about that "Hollywood conservatives" list above - a lot of those folks don't work much anymore.

  32. I know he is religious but is he really super-conservative? Watch bloopers from Parks & Rec. He says a loooot of inappropriate things that a conservative person wouldn't dare say.
