Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 17, 2015

This married B list mostly movie actress who thankfully does less acting now that her side job took off talks a lot about women’s rights and sex trafficking but has no problem taking gifts from this convicted sex offender who everyone hates.

Jessica Alba/Joe Francis


  1. Zilla12:41 AM

    Jessica "Do as I say, not as I do" Alba

  2. Kno Won Uno2:41 AM

    There are very few celebrities who play by their own rules.

  3. sandybrook2:45 AM

    A creep is giving me something for free, I'm taking it. I'm not obligated to do anything in return.

  4. Zilla12:47 AM

    O/T..RadarOnline has a new reveal on Michael Jackson..investigators during the early 2000's found a hell of a lot of really disturbing pornographic material at Neverland, much of it violent, part of it involving animals or children. .

  5. jennie2:59 AM

    He's actually buddies with a lot of celebs including Aniston, they all vakay at his house in Mexico.

  6. Aubre3:02 AM

    It's not Jessica's fault that she's just so beautiful no one will hire her for good acting roles. This chick's ego annoys me, instead of getting with an coach she blames her looks, like Mrs Timberlake. They're pretty girls, but not gorgeous.

  7. Honey bunny3:11 AM

    SMDH. People will do anything for a few trinkets.

  8. Kno Won Uno3:13 AM

    I'm not defending MJ, but most items on that list are art photography books and the same report has been available for years. There was no actual child pornography found in that search and nothing illegal. The report mostly reads like the guy writing it up was the one salivating, frankly.
    The infamous, now deceased, apparently obsessed investigator decided that everything he found was used for "grooming", in his opinion.
    If there was anything useful, the prosecutors would have used it. Tom someone...is the guy.
    I'm as anti-kid-rape as anyone on the planet, but what they found in MJ's house has been insanely over inflated with creepy levels of breathless hyperbole and inflammatory speech.
    Radar has a link to the actual documents and I recommend interested people peruse them, because you might possibly have in your house
    -books by art photographers that may contain partially or completed disrobed people of all ages & genders without sexual innuendo and
    -possibly even misc bags containing both clean and soiled laundry wherein your underwear might be in the same bag as a pair of socks belonging to your child and there might even be a sheet in there that a kid had a nosebleed on at some point in the life of the sheet.
    This stuff always comes up near the anniversary of his death.
    I'm not in any way suggesting that bad shit never happened. I'm just saying that this BS "release" proves nothing beyond MJ owning lots of artsy books and having mixed laundry.

  9. longtimereader3:13 AM

    Alba was voted hottest in world for several years a decade or so ago, plenty of men a certain age still have a soft spot...

  10. Guessing3:24 AM

    I saw this...I am curious why this didn't come out sooner? Why wasn't it included in his trial and why he wasn't prosecuted for possession of kiddie porn? At the very least, I would think it would come out in his trial.

    When Pellicano was busted, there was rumor that his illegal surveillance revealed a bunch of illegal sex stuff involving Michael Jackson and that it couldn't be used because Pellicano didn't have a warrant for the surveillance. The rumor was false and also, FYI, the police/FBI could have totally used such information had it existed -- "illegal activity discovered illegally by a non-government third party are not considered "fruit of the poisonous tree."

  11. therealcinabun5:13 AM

    If you really want the truth, do the research.
    The DA (Seddon) spent 10+ years & millions looking for anyone in the world (yes, he went global) to say Michael abused a kid. Never found sh#t.
    Seddon also tried to get Michael charged with an old law (would have to look it up to remember name) when he was w/ LMP. It was a racist law about charging a black man w/ kidnapping if he took a white woman over state lines.
    Seriously, read the evidence. What they did to Michael was horrible.

  12. therealcinabun5:15 AM

    It did come out & it's in the trial. Radar is making it out to be something it's not. Check it out for yourself.

  13. Guesser5:24 AM

    If there was illegal child porn found in his house, it would have been used in the trial. They also would have brought charges for possession of child porn. After losing the case, to get an easy victory. You're right ,a lot of people have art books that would be considered child pornography if they were made now and you wouldn't even know.

  14. crystalmeh5:31 AM

    I'm with you. I think the only thing MJ was truly guilty of was being weird and very inappropriate. He would've been executed if that were a crime.

    I'd like to think he didn't hurt anyone and I've yet to see any hard proof to sway me to the contrary.

  15. James5:50 AM

    Joe Francis that's one creepy MFer right there and all round a-hole that's the vibe I get off him making $ off girls who don't know any better and giving them a few bucks in return he got his ass dragged through the grinder I think a few years ago when it as brought to light one of the girls being filmed was 17 at the time if I remember rightly as for the MJ thing liked the man's music how ever his personal life was almost always front and center at times we'll probably never ever know the real honest truth about what happened when he was behind closed doors

  16. Studio546:38 AM

    What is Francis giving her gifts for? What does he want from her?

  17. Studio546:39 AM

    There should be no doubt about Jacko. He had several locks on his bedroom door, and sensors to tell him if anyone was coming. He paid out millions in settlements.

  18. Studio546:41 AM

    Baloney. OJ got off too. So did Robert Blake, Casey Anthony.

  19. Raisin Bran7:32 AM

    She was very very hot but she looks nothing like that anymore

  20. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~8:40 AM

    crooked hillary?

  21. TopperMadison9:10 AM

    To add to my own personal "Michael was innocent" belief is a first-hand account told to me by a good friend who used to be one of the boys who hung out at Neverland. He said absolutely nothing ever happened there. There were simply too many kids around and he said Michael was one of the warmest, nicest, kindest friends he ever had. I believe him over any news article anyday.

  22. Malibuborebee9:29 AM

    Interesting, @Kno, and thanks for the information. Reading the headline in another thread I assumed the worst.

  23. Malibuborebee9:35 AM

    There is no doubt about Michael Jackson. People who deny Jackson's guilt as a pedophile are so stupid that they are a waste of oxygen on this planet.

    But I have no problem with art books. Even if he did use some of them for "grooming" it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the books. There was something wrong with Michael Jackson.

    Everyone in the Jackson family is fucked up, no one escaped.

  24. Malibuborebee9:37 AM

    Alba's always been a notorious bitch and a greedy twat. Her nickname was Miseralba and Joe Francis is just about her speed.

  25. crystalmeh10:29 AM

    I wonder why none of those people were convicted either... I'm sensing a trend.

    Maybe most juries can't convict on rumors or gossip. They need cold, hard facts and we can sit and talk about how we know for a fact that all those people are guilty as hell, the people actually responsible to make that decision wouldn't convict, for whatever reason.

  26. Derek's mouth guard11:30 AM

    That's also my pet name for you toots

  27. Malibuborebee11:56 AM

    Die in a grease fire.

  28. Thanks for posting this. I think if nothing really happened more of the kids should come out. I always thought he was a pedophile but after reading your post I think my mind is changing.
