Sunday, June 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 4, 2016

Not a happy night at the performance of this musical last night. There were no words spoken between this B+ list mostly movie actress and the rest of her cast mates after she basically said she carried them all. She has good PR people who made things better outside in the real world, but backstage was a whole other story.

Jennifer Hudson/The Color Purple


  1. Zilla13:11 AM

    She needs to be careful if she wants to keep up an acting career, since all her talent is in singing, not acting. A bad 'tude is just gonna rock that boat.

  2. Supposedly she's doing the Aretha biopic so we'll see.



  4. Whywhywhy???4:25 AM

    So humble is knock-kneed Jennifer.

  5. dazzle10:52 AM

    sad to hear this since I really like Jennifer Hudson as a singer & actress. Hoping this is not true.

  6. Yes Jennifer has a good voice BUT that other girl... I was blown away by her voice. She puts Jennifer to shame. So Jen might want to watch that attitude.

  7. chicagojvan12:25 PM

    See, maybe I'm naive, but I don't really think she shaded her cast, or insinuated that she's better than any of them.

    This became an issue when the Tony nominations came out, and her two costars were nominated, and she was not. A fan posted on social media that they were shocked that she didn't get nominated. She responded that she wasn't shocked, and basically implied that she was hired for her name. The way I took that was that she was brought in, not necessarily because she was the most talented, but she was a bankable name that would put butts in the seats. She was saying that she's not surprised by being bypassed because she was in the show for her name, whereas her costars getting roles were more about their talent; thus, when nominations came around, they got the noms and she didn't. I took it as a compliment to her costars talent, and being humble about her own.

    Again, but maybe I'm just naive.

  8. Cinabun1:07 PM

    Ditto. Producers have been hiring 'names' to get people to come to shows for decades.
