Sunday, June 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

May 4, 2016

Met Gala

That former A list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring? The one who is always looking for publicity? Yeah, she kept her promise from last year and even told the designer who dressed her last year to f**k off when he came up to her the other night.

Kate Hudson/Michael Kors


  1. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:50 AM

    Michael Kors seems to still have a vibrant and successful career. Ms. Hudson, on the other hand...

  2. Derek your favorite cart attendant at Vons3:55 AM

    She always wipes down her cart with Purel when she shops in our store.



  4. To be fair, if everyone wiped down the cart before use, colds/viruses wouldn't spread as fast during flu season.

    Have you seen a child lick the handle of the cart they are sitting in? Everytime I see something like that, I want to vomit.... The boogars, germs, pubic hairs... that kid just licked.

  5. I swear I'm just being fresh. I am completely neutral in this Tricia, Derek, Derek & Tricia's baby saga..., but I have to ask... what is Derek's ass like?

  6. Everytime I see the users names like Derek's Anal Beads, I'm like, yo, I'm embarrassed for you. Stop putting yourself in his ass. You've got to come up with wittier names that doesn't imply you're stuck in his ass. Because it seems like Derek would be boss.

    Sorry, had to get that off. It's been like a month and I feel like you should know what people are thinking.

    Sorry. I mean it. Sorry. I know you are trying to help the greater good by reigning Derek in.

  7. Derek, I like that you give good guesses. Tricia you seem decent. Please, I can't take the drama anymore....

  8. bush bunny4:37 AM

    Has anyone seen a photo of Michael Kors' husband?! Hotty McHotty! Gorgeous! Mr. Kors is having some financial problems at the moment with dumping too many products on the public. But he has learned his lesson, I am sure, and will continue to do quite well, thank you. Love his perfumes.

  9. Ms. Anne Thrope4:41 AM

    Truth. After working in healthcare for several years & sitting through numerous OSHA courses I've become I germaphobe. I not only wipe the cart handle I'll be touching, I also won't put grocery items or my purse in the cart where children sit because GROSS. If you only knew the petri dishes that shopping carts are LOL

  10. Ms. Anne Thrope4:45 AM

    I actually really like Michael Kors and I miss him judging on Project Runway. That show will never be the same without him. I have a couple of shirts of his & love them. Kate Hudson is a no talent ho. I know somebody who was gullible enough to buy her ugly exercise clothes. They fell apart the first time she washed them. Garbage just like her.

  11. Derek your favorite cart attendant at Von's4:55 AM

    We're supposed to hose them all down at the end of the night, but who feels like doing that? I wanna punch out and get home, not clean up carts. If you worked around them for 8 hours a day, you'd know what I mean

  12. Then don't read it. The rest of us are wildly amused.

  13. Derek's Protuberance5:35 AM

    @Csf. You seem like a nice person so I'll take the opportunity to offer a personal response to your concerns. You're right: Tricia is a very decent person and Derek actually is a talented guesser at blinds, just like Tricia. The core problem that resulted in the mess that you now have to wade through to read some blinds is that Derek has engaged in unprovoked verbal attacks on posters here. The operative word here is "unprovoked" - the recipients of the verbal abuse in these instances rarely if ever did anything to warrant the subsequent abuse - and people finally got really fed up and angry with Derek behaving in such a way. On other websites, a person who engaged in such behavior would typically get banned, but given the way this particular website is set up that doesn't seem to happen (or I'm not aware that it does), so other posters started feeling the need to step in and defend certain people, especially Tricia, who has always been a paragon of politeness and friendliness. And, yes, it does get silly and obnoxious and out-of-hand but that's what happens without some central regulation from the webmaster.

    Derek likes to rail against the "trolls" who taunt him when he goes off the rails in his posting behavior, and he likes to claim that this is all the effort of one or two posters. First, that's not true to my knowledge: I have no idea who Derek's Thong, Anal Beads, Cart Attendant, and the other posters with creative Derek names are, and I've never communicated with any of these people outside of CDaN. My hunch is that they're fed up just like me, but to different extents and in different ways, with Derek's behavior, but again I simply don't know since they do their own thing. Second, the one thing you'll notice is never in any of Derek's posts is any acknowledgement of his abusive behavior that started all of this. All of his comments always deflect from what he knows deep down is the central issue here, namely his occasional nasty behavior.

    So, for the drama to go away, and I'm sympathetic to your plea for it to go away, the solution is simple: Derek needs to stop with the abusive posts and the obnoxious "Nailed It" self-congratulations. His detractors tend to show up on CDaN in droves when he gets especially bad, as you've probably noticed. Is he capable or willing to reign himself in? Probably not, but I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong on that front by him. My personal feeling is that he should have been banned a long time ago, and I'd be happy to be banned along with him if it would make this website the peaceful place it used to be before he started with the unprovoked aggression. On the other hand, if he really can bring himself to stop and just focus on guessing the blinds without insulting anyone, I have no doubt that not only would he be left alone, but that other posters would welcome him back into the fold.

  14. Plastic Pony5:46 AM

    I read somewhere that Nordstrom's is sending back a lot of Michael Kors purse inventory. It seems like everyone and their dog has a MK purse which makes me not want one. Same thing happened to Coach.

  15. Ok. Thanks for the history on this matter.

  16. Wendy6:09 AM

    Umm... is amused because they're one of the trolls. I agree with Csf

  17. Wendy6:11 AM

    That just seems like way too much work when you could just ignore him...he's said stuff to me but they're just words....just let it go.

  18. Mia (former poster)6:16 AM

    And there in a nutshell, it is-thanks for post @protuberance which says what many have tried to say in one way or another(though you said it perfectly). I stopped commenting a while ago after he came at me for no reason or cuz I tended to second @tricia13s guesses. Stupid comments that were nasty but nothing compared to him constantly making fun of her family life, home , looks really personal stuff? Wtf-not why I came here and I think I'm not alone in still checkin in to read and catch up on gossip-but not commenting. You got cajones-coolness.

  19. Derek's Chihuahua6:23 AM

    Derek is a cool guy everyone just b patient

  20. Rachel6:25 AM

    Well your kind enough to explain things on this site..... I was wondering what kneepads refers to?

  21. Shut Up!6:34 AM

    Kneepads is people magazine.

  22. Shut Up!6:35 AM

    As a semi regular I didn't know all that was going on.

  23. Dereks Mommy6:42 AM

    AMEN! Finally someone put the situation into words that newbies can understand. The OLDbies know the deal and either kiss dereks ass or change names or stop posting altogether. Back, not too long ago if you congratulated Tricia or defended her, Derek would use YOUR name and say absolutely horrible things. He used MY name and typed in such nasty homophobic and racial slurs I wanted to puke. The ones that defend him are afraid of him and his bully ways. I am one who you might call his "trolls"....but only one. There are many that have seen his behavior and just want him to go away or STFU.

  24. People Magazine

  25. Riven6:43 AM

    Agree with everything that's been said. I used to come here daily, haven't done that in a couple of years because Derek's a piece of shit bully, a narcissistic egomaniac with delusions of grandeur, and an obsessive cyber stalker. Oh, I forgot attention whore. Anyway, every time I see one of his many aliases on here commenting like "I don't know what everyone is talking about, I've been here for years and think he's funny" my eyes hurt from rolling so damn hard.

  26. Dereks Mommy6:49 AM

    No. He really is not. He is an abusive narcissist and so many of us wish he would just leave. He has chased away many a fun poster and ruined this site. We miss VIP blond and others who's witty banter made this site fun.

  27. Ya'll a bunch of fucking losers.

  28. Timmy Shmmy Yo7:01 AM

    EVERYBODY! I can't leave the house without seeing at least three Michael Kors purses. I got one before I realized they're everywhere but thank god I'd never own the brown logo anything that I don't know why is so popular. Now when I see a woman carrying one I feel bad because she has no style of her own.

  29. LaBomba7:04 AM

    Holy shit TTM you're pretty much... insane.

  30. Mia(former poster)7:08 AM

    Yes, the cyber stalking seemed obvious to me because he would mention things she never did and talk about FB pictures or seemed like him under a troll name maybe and then she sent in a family photo for readers pix and looked beautiful to me anyway- and he ripped it or her lips something I can't remember. It was so off and so creepy. The one that goes under malibubarbie (or other names maybe)seemed also super awful and ridiculous in going out her way to lambast her when she never stooped to comment or care it seemed?Seemed like an equally miserable type who always defends the asshole in the scenario. It was weird(still is I guess?)
    Anyway said my peace and still like seeing lots of people's comments here when I drive by like sandy, kno won uno and tricia13 when she's here.

  31. Derek's Thong7:13 AM

    Hi, Derek.

  32. That's what I think when I see someone with a Coach bag - no style of her own and blindly following along.

  33. Timmy Shimmy Yo7:47 AM

    Yeah here It was the fake Louis Vuitton until the knockoff purse parties all got busted, then it was Coach, now Michael Kors. What I don't understand is that there's only a Dooney and Bourke outlet here because they're made locally, so those should be the most popular but I rarely see them even on older women who they seem targeted to.

  34. LaBomba7:50 AM

    You can't be his mommy and not be in character. It just looks lame.

  35. Mooshki8:02 AM


  36. DEREKS Dildo8:04 AM

    Say, the same way you are now Malibuborebee?

  37. Mooshki8:04 AM

    People is called kneepads because their stories are basically blowjobs for celebrities and their publicists.

  38. Amused only when the troll says something clever which is rare. Derek deserved it for awhile but now the drama has taken over the whole site.

  39. OKAY.9:09 AM

    said the ass kissing newbie moron with no clue.

  40. Coke Mom time machine9:17 AM

    Praise Jesus Allah and Buddha for this post!

    and Praise the return of Tricia! Which seems to have shut Derek's antics down, at least momentarily!

    I'm sure it was a big weekend at 'da club' and some early week tweaking will see Derek back in form abusing all of us for not liking his carpentry (that's a pissy 'nail' reference)

  41. OKAY.9:20 AM

    Worst of them all that angry intolerant pseudo -intellectual bullying cow Thinking she weighs in at 2 bucks, 2 bucks fifty .? Spinster comes to mind tbh

  42. WAllen9:37 AM

    Kate Hudson shops at Von's? Never woulda guessed.

    Yes, that's my takeaway from all of this.

  43. Omg omg - you just "nailed it" ! Borebee is the Annie Wilkes ( Kathy Bates ) character in Misery --- a fuckin weirdo obsessed with people she isn't or can't be. She ran with a few other names on prior site TRUST, but her game is weak.
    And a narcissist too

  44. Liar. I've been here forever, and Derek has NEVER attacked anyone - provoked or otherwise. He has only ever responded in kind to the bullshit that's been thrown his way, and so he should. And why do you care so much if he points out that he got something right before anybody else? Good on him. You are free to skip over his comments, but instead you seem to obsess about them. Jealous, crazy or other?

  45. That long-winded "explanation" you got from DP about Derek is all bull. Just so you know.

  46. It wasn't/isn't. All of the posters "agreeing" with the so-called assessment of "why everybody hates Derek" are probably the same sad, pathetic person. None of that is true, and I'm quite sure I'll be called out for defending Derek now but I will not let bullshit stand as fact.

    And that one is being recent and kind. Wanna go further back and keep going because we can sweetie

    So back then too everyone was the"same person"?
    Hmmmmm. Like you are Derek, then?

  49. Thanks for making it all clear, Derek and Malibu. Otherwise- we would have read it and believed it based on silly shit like documented , actual repetitive behavior!!

  50. FYI OKay = Derek

  51. No kidding? Lololololo one of many========= dereks

  52. or the bodyguard Malibuhelpme

  53. Glad to know I'm not alone in my quest for cleanliness! The people who don't wash their reusable grocery bags are also gross.

  54. I second that notion. I miss their snark too.

  55. You're here too. Welcome to the club, loser!

  56. Barrel of Monkeys11:42 AM

    So far you're batting 1000. The first link Derek never made a comment. The 2nd link he stood up for himself against multiple cyber psychos.

    All of the so called putting Derek in his place has been far more annoying than anything Derek has supposedly said. You trolls are the annoying ones, not Derek. With all the attacks on him he has handled it well.

    I like his guesses which are usually correct & backed up with a link as proof.

  57. Barrel of Monkeys12:07 PM

    Derek's Protuberance,
    Are you sure you didn't mean to type "Flatulence" because you have a foul, smelly attitude.

    You are also delusional & have a warped view of reality. Tricia is no innocent victim here. She came on the site bragging about her family in the business, that she was an actress, that she hobnobbed with celebrities, she told about her child, blah, blah, blah. She's a big ole nobody.

    Tricia is so narcissistic that she sends in multiple photos of herself each time for reader photos. Then feigns surprise when they all show up.

    At least Derek has the balls to post his defense under his Derek Harvey ID. Tricia plays the sweet innocent victim under hers then attacks him under fake names. Many have spotted her spelling & grammar errors. She might fool you but not everyone.

  58. chicagojvan12:18 PM

    Ok, since we all feel the need to share today, I'll say my piece.

    Longtime reader, very occasional commenter.

    Derek can be annoying. He can be funny, but he can also go over-the-top. Whether it's an anger issue, or frustration, or whatever, I don't know. Many times I'll read his comment and think "Oh, kid, I think you've gone too far."

    That being said, what is wrong with some of you all too? This whole comment thread made me feel like the parent in the front of the car who has to look to the backseat every few minutes, just to have somebody say "well, he started it!" If he annoys you, I get it. I've read the comments and can totally see that. But in what (adult) world is the answer to that creating aliases, and bullying back, basically doing exactly what you all claim to hate about him?

    I like Tricia. She seems very nice, but she also seems like a tough cookie. I guarantee she can take care of herself; you all don't need to fight her battle. But you know the term poking the bear? Many do that to Derrick, and then act all shocked when he explodes. In the past, if a blind called for two people, Tricia might get one name, Derrick the other. People would come on and be all "Great job Tricia!" "+1 Tricia." "You always get these Tricia!" You all know that by doing so, and not giving him any credit for the part he got, it was gonna set him off. His reaction may be childish, may be a little weird, but you all know that that is going to be the reaction, and you sit back waiting for it. Certainly the joy some took in antagonizing him has to take some of the blame here.

    So to conclude my longwinded-ness, let me just say this: I get it. He annoys you. You think he's weird, or crazy, or unstable. If you are annoyed, complain to Enty. If you are concerned for your safety or well-being, turn off the damn computer and don't come near this site. But don't everybody act complacent. The trolls are getting just as bad as him. There are shades of homophobia in many of their posts, and frankly, as a gay man, that's offensive. But as offended as I am, I don't create an alias to troll you over it. I don't because I'm an adult, and can act like one. Do you think that some of you can do the same?

  59. Judge Judy's Stylist12:39 PM

    Tricia doesn't say "Nailed It".

  60. Derek your favorite cart attendant at Vons12:45 PM

    I've seen Tina Yothers carry her Pekeador into our store in a Reuseable Trader Joes bag, and then use the same bag to pack produce when checking out.

  61. chicagojvan12:51 PM

    Nope, she sure doesn't.

    And it doesn't change one word of what I said either.

  62. Cinabun12:53 PM

    Omg. Ever think maybe you're taking this a bit too seriously???
    That's like a 500 word essay. Just need citations. Lol

  63. Cinabun12:55 PM


  64. Cinabun12:59 PM

    But sadly (as a long time lurker & recent return poster) I doubt it will do much good.

  65. Cinabun1:03 PM

    Comment above was to @chicagojvan
    It is sometimes amusing & other times disturbing that people on a BLIND GOSSIP SITE gaf whether someone says 'nailed it' or not. Don't you have better things to focus on & put energy into?
    No wonder @unemployable left. :sigh:

  66. Steff1:03 PM

    If you're gonna buy Michael Kors you may as well buy a no name from Target. Coach is the poor man's Gucci. Tried to copy the logos with C's instead of G's. Anytime I see anyone with Coaxh I know they know ZERO about style. While I might sound like a snob, I'm totally not. I'm visual. I, like some of the above commenters (up at the top before the whole Derek/Tricia high school crap) I respect and individual style whether you shop at the local thrift store or Saks. I can't stand "followers". Now can someone tell me why Kate Husdon is pissed at Kors??

  67. Kaitlyn1:43 PM

    You keep saying the same thing under different names and avi's it seems? It's straight up weird whoever you are.we come here for gossip and industry stories so I would personally love to hear more, I don't think sharing is "bragging" you sound as if you've never been exposed to enough and are sort of- insecure actually. Also everyone loves reader photos so send in yours this time if you're not ashamed or stfu already.
    And Derek using 1 name is the funniest think I ever heard yet in this site . Only been here about a year but it's meant as a joke, right?

  68. Whatever Mooshki says. She's been here the longest. Hi Mooshki!

  69. back again2:39 PM

    At last years' Met Gala(2015),Michael Kors dressed Kate Hudson & Kate thought that he was dressing JUST her & that Michael would be on her arm EXCLUSIVELY.However,Michael Kors also dressed Elizabeth Banks for the Gala & she supposedly knocked it outa the park & totally stole Kate's thunder & was even on the Best dressed lists.Kate felt that she was totally upstaged by Elizabeth & that Michael didn't give HER his undivided attention or as nice a gown.She felt betrayed by Kors.(& probably she didn't make the Best Dressed Lists).

  70. Faithnz3:19 PM

    Ive been reading here for a long time, Ive posted a couple of times. What DP, Mia, Riven etc have stated is true. Derek has been offensive toward many people, especially singling out Tricia, TTM and a few others whose names I cant remember (sorry). There has been a lot of back and forth between a lot of people. Anyone who says Derek is innocent and hasnt done anything like that, is lying.
    There are posts and posts of his being rude toward others, and yes people have been rude toward him too.
    I would suggest newbies go back even a few months on any blind or reveal and you will see the evidence there.

    It does piss me off that there are pages and pages of bloody trolling this and trolling that, instead of commenting on the blinds or reveals.

    Ive said my bit, and before someone comments. Im not one of the trolls or whatever you call them with the derek names. Ive always posted under this name, when I have (probably about 5 times in total)

  71. Ok. I have lurked for a while and I used to be a regular commenter but for years I have only read reveals because I no longer felt comfortable talking here. Please understand there is no true innocent here and no one villain. There was a long history of snipping on this site then there was some grand drama that spilled over into other websites. People got personal, people got aggressive, and it seems a lot of people did not let it go. It was draining to even read the comments. Which sucks because I like the blinds and it makes no sense to stick up for one person or another because in their pettiness they all nearly ruined a fairly good thing and now the stupid trolls are continuing in their footsteps.

  72. Derek your favorite cart attendant at Von's11:44 PM

    Not only does she shop here, she has a Von's Club Card. And seems very adept at using it for extra savings. We do not have gas pumps at our store, so I don't know if she uses her points to fill up her SUV for less.

  73. LaBomba12:35 AM

    Pekingese and Labrador???

  74. LaBomba12:39 AM

    Again, don't you have enough imagination to think of your own posting name?

  75. LaBomba12:40 AM

    Get your own name.

  76. LaBomba12:41 AM

    The BIG difference is, you have NO WIT.

  77. LaBomba12:42 AM

    Witless, pedantic comment.

  78. Barrel of Monkeys1:02 AM

    I hate to disappoint you but Barrel of Monkeys (current), Barrel of Monkeys (previous ID=ItsaBeautifulLife) (2nd) & ItsaBeautifulLife (1st) are the only names I have used here.

    Nowhere did I say Derek only uses one name. I said "At least Derek has the balls to post his defense under his Derek Harvey ID.". He may use a gazillion other names, he could be everyone posting on CDaN or he could be you IDK nor do I GAF but he does post his snarks under Derek Harvey for everyone to see & takes the wrath that follows. While Tricia plays coy & innocent as Tricia13 but attacks him & others using aliases.

    If you've only been here a year then you missed when she burst on to the scene with her "look at me!" diva attitude. Many share up close stories (myself included) but don't share much personal info to protect ourselves, our family & the celebrity. When you share personal info you open yourself up to ridicule & people digging up info on you. That's just life online.

    FYI My reader photo has been shared 2-3 times when Enty does the reader photos. I just don't feel I have to send in 3-4 different photos each time to be noticed.

  79. Barrel of Monkeys1:10 AM

    Not as Tricia13 at least. I'm sure she pats herself in the back as aliases.

  80. And-so-on..3:16 AM

    Then she slipped her private tele number into his pocket.. just in case

  81. Sasha3:20 AM

    Some free advice for you, your disgusting name and all of your like-minded "friends" -
    You are way too invested in this psychotic obsession.

    Why does Derek's "Nailed it!" bother you? I laugh when I see it and even harder when someone has a problem with it.
    This sight is about solving riddles. He solves most of them. "Nailed it" is intended to relay that he did, in fact, solve the blind. (This is too funny for words.)
    So, what's the problem? I know for a fact that many of you are grown-assed adults and that's what puzzles me and why I think you need professional help to get out and enjoy life.
    You know, the one that happens when you shut down the computer.

  82. Sasha3:21 AM

    Some free advice for you, your disgusting name and all of your like-minded "friends" -
    You are way too invested in this psychotic obsession. Get a freaking life, FFS.

    Why does Derek's "Nailed it!" bother you? I laugh when I see it and even harder when someone has a problem with it.
    This sight is about solving riddles. He solves most of them. "Nailed it" is intended to relay that he did, in fact, solve the blind. (This is too funny for words.)
    So, what's the problem? I know for a fact that many of you are grown-assed adults and that's what puzzles me and why I think you need professional help to get out and enjoy life.
    You know, the one that happens when you shut down the computer.

  83. Sasha3:23 AM

    It bears repeating?

  84. A lister5:17 AM

    Even Anarchy was smart enough to ban Derek but all Enty cares about are clicks and ad space

  85. No offense intended here, but you sound like a nutter in almost all of your posts going on about nothing. Or like you are someone else with an agenda using different names. Honestly, I follow when I can but you are fairly consistent with the weirdness. Just an observation FYI

  86. Barrel of Monkeys12:07 PM

    At least I post what I have to say under my CDaN name & avi. If you did the same you'd be worse than what you claim Derek is.

  87. @BOM um- I didn't claim anything about Derek-?

    I addressed you, as a poster I think or thought has an agenda and was suspect or odd.
    Interesting. Seems I wasn't far off .(Nor are other posters are in what they have said. )

  88. Barrel of Monkeys12:20 PM

    Because your post made it clear what your agenda was. Maybe if you said what you had to say under one name you wouldn't be so confused.

  89. Sorry?
    What kind of rational is that? My post simply stated I think you are off and you essentially told me to stop talking or claiming things about "Derek", who I never mentioned. It's extremely- strange (and telling).
    Good luck with it all.

  90. NoDiseases!3:09 PM

    I H8 people who bring their pets into the food store.
    I have NEVER seen a real service animal in a grocery store. Once on a bus.

  91. Haywood Jablomee3:51 PM

    I just bust on Derek because I think he has many funny former posters caged up in his basement and uses his anal beads and his thongs to torture them. Pray for Harry Knuckles safe escape!!

  92. Barrel of Monkeys5:31 PM

    And I think you are off so I guess we are even. Your ability to read things I didn't say shows how unstable you are. I'm done replying to you with your convoluted thinking. Take care.

  93. Malibuborebee8:38 AM

    Bingo, @Barrel. These fucking clowns think they can use Derek's response to them ganging up on him like Mean Girls as an excuse for their ganging up on him like Mean Girls. Wheeeee!

    Dumb twats - they've always been dumb twats. So what if he doesn't like Tricia? I don't like her either because she's fucking annoying. With any luck she actually did have a baby and she'll spend most of her time being a mother to her children instead of parking her fat ass on the internet. Or she could ignore her kids and be more like TTM, the Hiddleston Stalker Mother of the Fucking Year who lives online.

    They type all of that self-serving bullshit about "why they don't like" Derek as if they were a bunch of drama-queen high school girls. The truth is that he's been no worse than a lot of others and these morons are fucking obsessed with him. It's bizarre and unbalanced, like a bunch of kids picking on one kid when they catch him walking home alone after school. Even if I didn't like Derek, the way they gang up on him would make me defend him every damn time. They're just internet/cyber bullies and, like all bullies, they don't know when to stop.

    Look at all the homophobia and anti-gay slurs they put in their posts. Seriously? That's where they want to go with this? That tells you exactly the kind of nasty, low-IQ, bigoted scum we're dealing with here.

  94. Barrel of Monkeys7:49 PM

    We share a lot of the same views. I have never liked seeing one person ganged up on be it in real life or the Internet. Their reasons are not justified & their actions are far worse than any annoyance Derek causes with "Nailed it!". The snarks & comebacks against him are because they instigate him. You can only kick a dog into a corner so long before it comes out agitated & attacking. They know that & that's why they say/do the shit they do to him. They want to piss him off so that he comes out swinging. Then they think they proved their point. It says more about them than it does about him. Any normal person would defend themselves against multiple repeated attacks.

    Now they'll accuse us of being the same person again because we have enough sense to hit the return bar to add paragraphs instead of typing everything together. We also don't use enough /....>>///.... & misspelled words like their idol I guess. It makes a difference if you are not drinking, juggling a toddler, tending to a new baby & trying to type keys fast enough to be first.

  95. Derek Harvey9:02 AM


  96. Derek Harvey9:04 AM

    STFU you dumb LYING WHORE. Why are you only back now that that other dumb lying whore is HUH?

  97. Derek Harvey9:05 AM

    you are such a LOSER and UGLY

  98. Derek Harvey9:06 AM


  99. Kaitlyn10:03 AM

    But you are the same person and ya'all keep repeating things about people you don't know really, and seem preoccupied with(talking about their kids when they don't even bother responding to you. You look mental and bizarre and I've never said that to anyone. Never had to. You are just like the aggro- freak you keep defending who has historically attacked many people unprovoked(as in calling me a lying dumb whore below nice huh?) Or as stated here above by pretty articulate posters. You come off as ugly and twisted and that's why I don't guess or post anymore. You blew up my email and here I am. I hope others see it and really "get it" finally.
    And it's not so much idolizing @tricia13 who I respect for her decorum as it is disliking you @derick@Malibu and your other handle @barrel of shit. Pretty sure I'm not the only one.

  100. RightOn10:53 AM

    Most definitely NOT the only one Kaitlyn. They suck at life those you mentioned. And are hypocritical AF with their comments. And creepy. They think everyone tuned in like, yesterday here? Bitches, puleeze.

  101. RightOn10:57 AM

    Are you barren by any chance? Or fertility challenged? Between you and Malibuboohoo it sounds like you are.

  102. RightOn11:09 AM

    Barrel of Bitches Be Busted! Classic rotfl

  103. RightOn11:10 AM

    Keep it classy as always basement boy , cyber stalking freak.

  104. Barrel of Monkeys11:29 AM

    If it comforts you to think Derek only has one person taking up for him then by all means go for it. I wouldn't want to upset an unstable person.

    And you know for a fact Tricia isn't posting under another name attacking Derek & others how?

    I could call you by a different name also but I'll leave the childish & spiteful acts to you as you seem to thrive on making up all the Derek names.

  105. Barrel of Monkeys11:36 AM

    Aww, thank you for your concern. Project much? If you do it for a living you need a different occupation as you suck at this one.

  106. Barrel of Monkeys11:41 AM

    Exactly how? Why don't you ask Enty to post locations or states where myself, Malibu & Derek are. I don't know about them but I know I'm me. I post from the southern USA.

    While you're at it ask for the same for all the anti-Derek post. I'm sure then we'll see who the real liars & trouble makers are. I have nothing to hide. Can you say the same?

  107. Barrel of Monkeys11:47 AM

    BTW If you don't want emails change the settings because I intend to reply to each one addressed to me.

  108. RightOn12:54 PM

    Yeah. Nailed it. You are.
    Sorry about that Malibu ,Monkey God knows who. Adoption is a noble thing though. Know that. *cyber hug*

  109. Derek Harvey2:01 PM

    thanks for always being so nice to me xo

    this is A MUST READ

  110. Derek Harvey2:02 PM

  111. Derek Harvey2:03 PM

  112. Barrel of Monkeys2:17 PM

    No problem. Cyber bullies are cowards & have miserable lives. It's childish what they are doing.

    Heading off to read that link now. Thanks!

  113. Mooshki6:13 PM

    Wait, are you Donald Trump? Why did I never put this together before? Everything makes so much sense now.

  114. Mooshki6:19 PM

    Wow. You're so desperate for my attention you can't bear that I missed your crazy rant about me? Freaky deaky.
