Saturday, June 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

March 25, 2016

How vain is this A+ list reality star? I think it is more like lazy. Get someone to stand in for her in B roll scenes who just happens to be way more thin. You get to be lazy and have a miracle weight loss.

Kim Kardashian


  1. No Shade3:47 AM

    Is that why she wears huge sunglasses, to conceal that it's not her face?

  2. sandybrook3:52 AM

    I think a slut who takes 40-50 selfies a day, many of them half naked, is pretty vain.

  3. Kno Won Uno4:00 AM

    Probably 50 an hour.
    I have no frame of reference to begin to understand a person who enjoys looking at their own face all day, every day.
    Can't be normal.

  4. Derek Harvey4:02 AM

    Nailed it

  5. Derek's Thong4:08 AM


  6. Zilla14:16 AM

    In that case, everyone nailed it, since some schmoe was here yesterday insisting that Meg, sandybrook, Tricia, MontanaMarriot and me are all alters of Derek,.

  7. sandybrook4:18 AM


  8. Derek's Protuberance4:18 AM

    Hey Derek! How do you feel about Tricia being back on CDaN? Do you think you can finally make peace with her and be friends?

  9. Zilla14:20 AM

    in the comments of random Photos 3 yesterday.

  10. Derek Harvey4:20 AM

    On almost every post yesterday, "Anon" repeated that we are all one lol. Like literally every post---pathetic.

  11. Derek Harvey4:21 AM

    It was almost every single post -I just thought "Zilla doesnt even like me" lolll

  12. Malibuborebee4:23 AM

    And they didn't list me too? I'm deeply offended.

  13. Derek Harvey4:24 AM

    Haha I thought that too!

  14. Zilla14:25 AM

    No, you're ok with me, Derek. I just like to get one once in a while, lol.

  15. GalvestonBeech4:26 AM

    Ah, you loved the attention, Derek. Don't deny it.

  16. sandybrook4:26 AM

    Sounds like One Big Rick found its way back to the site with another IP address. Come out and play big boy so I can make sure your ass is banned again.:D

  17. Derek Harvey4:27 AM

    haha cheers

  18. Derek Harvey4:36 AM

    Notice how the trolls always have an unlinkable address in their name-when replying to one another...cause its usually the same person. One wont have a link and the other will--he/she thinks they will out-smart us. I would say there is about 3 trolls here-and they e-mail each other on the side. And one or two are DEFINITELY linked to Anarchy. And two of them are FSP and Calichesse/sugarbread. This Anon person is like fourth tier and on drugs or something.

  19. sandybrook4:44 AM

    Friday night happy hour mixed with ecstacy=no bueno

  20. texasrose4:51 AM

    What is a 'B role scene'?

  21. texasrose4:52 AM

    B roll scene?

  22. sandybrook4:59 AM

    when she isn't the center of attention on the show but may be in the background?

  23. Like secondary filming of people's backs, from far away, driving a car, etc - basically not a direct shot of their face.

  24. Sick of it All5:26 AM

    Interesting that TalksTooMuch also made an appearance. Maybe she mistakenly typed in her real email address instead of her many troll aliases.

  25. Studio545:56 AM

    Thanks so much for this blind Enty. the selfie all time taker is obsessed with herself and money only. Everything about her is ENTIRELY FAKE , her looks, her weight, her sham marriages, her body parts. No one personifies SHAM AND FAKE more than her. Everyone knows she has zero talent in anything but promoting herself.

    Her ego was why she was only married for 72 days. Her massive ego is present every time you see her spoiled brat kid having another tantrum in public. Obviously, she's too into herself to be any kind of mother to the kid.

  26. texasrose5:59 AM


  27. blahblah6:05 AM

    Hahaha! I think its GREAT that tricia is back!! Yay!!!!!

  28. Cinabun6:23 AM

    Don't feel bad, they didn't list me yesterday either.

  29. Derek's Chancre6:25 AM

    Speaking of drugs, you better pick up a little Valtrex, dear. I feel like breaking out.

  30. Cinabun6:26 AM

    There was def some big badabooms going on. Who was it that really shut him down? Geesh, I am working waaay too hard on this damn ma. :-(

  31. James6:36 AM

    Kim's only talent is bouncing up and down on some guys jock and then laying there like a dead fish afterwards

  32. Laura Palmer7:02 AM

    I can't bring myself to do a Kim Kardashian post...oh shit this is a Kim Kardashian post.

  33. BTownGirl7:03 AM

    It's extra tragic that she had one heck of a uniquely pretty face that now looks like an epoxied death mask. Step. Away. From. The. Mirror. Narcissus.

  34. Guesser7:23 AM

    Around picture times the trolls start breeding. They are kind of like locusts so be prepared. Check back they are trying to take someone down.

  35. sandybrook7:42 AM

    Enty and I were in cahoots that Sunday. Everytime I got him to post against me, Enty blocked the e-mail and/or the IP address. I was posting on purpose and goading him.

  36. Everyone hates you.

  37. PoniTayl7:49 AM


  38. ellie7:53 AM

    Me too! I was accused a few times. I liked it.

  39. Cinabun9:19 AM

    Why was his email address blocked??? And who was the other guy who shut him down? After that his posts got less & less. Only been back about a week but haven't seen him posting & his posts & yours were amazing that day!!!

  40. sandybrook9:48 AM

    I was helping Enty, Enty can block posters. IP addresses are hard to block because most of us are portable now. E-mails are easier to block, but of course you can use a fake one too, but not from the same IP address. It takes work-this a-hole came back 5 or 6 times that weekend, different ways.

  41. Cinabun10:31 AM

    Just googled it & found it...other poster was @unemployable. Wish he was still here. :-(
    Had forgotten how weird obr got & that their comments were deleted.
    Why Entry doesn't use Discus or something similar? Wouldn't it be easier to track?
    Even now, w/ numerous similar posts seems one or two people still trolling along ...

  42. WTF? The Internet is a weird place.

  43. I like unemployable too. Their snark is sorely missed.

  44. Barrel of Monkeys (previous ID=ItsaBeautifulLife)11:58 AM

    Don't feel bad. I got left out too even after being accused of being Derek repeatedly.

  45. .........12:26 PM

    Please get help. I wish only the best for you but seeing your baffling hatred spewed all over the comment section here in a such a determined and horribly sad ongoing obsession IS NOT PLEASANT TO WITNESS, Think of someone else for a change... (??????) What your doing displays traits of narcissism and psychopathy. Which is why i doubt that this or anything else will get through to you. I don't like feeling bad and i don't get off on seeing someone victimised, whether or not you think they 'deserve' it. And it's impossible to skip through the comments and not notice, simply because you and your alters are so ubiquitous. Honestly, what you are passionately engaged in is not healthy and i would bet that this obsession affects other areas of your life. I'm sure you don't stop thinking of 'Derek' when you log off this site and that is an awful place for your life to be at.

  46. Cinabun12:42 PM

    Maybe those of us who miss him can send a 'reply' from one if his earlier posts.
    That's my plan anyway!
    : D

  47. crystalmeh1:03 PM

    I have no idea who Tricia but I think it's great that she's back because maybe she can comment on the actual blind item instead of just bickering with the other posters here

    With that being said, how come everyone always bags on the kardashians yet that show has been on forever and they sell magazines and whatever shit they shill?

    It's all so fake

  48. back again1:43 PM

    you forgot:
    'Horse Cola'

  49. Oh yes, loads of B roll for a 'reality' show. (They live in their own reality anyway.) Gross egos and unhealthy environments for the children in their lives, living with such awful examples, gives a glimpse of the intense selfishness of the whole Klan. The kids will see every episode some day -- or at least most -- and since narcissism runs rampant the KKtrashKlan, their parents, or whoever is still alive by then, will likely watch with them, and have a Q&A session.

  50. What makes you think Tricia bickers with other posters? It's Derek "Nailed It" Harvey that abuses Tricia. Since you're new, you don't have a clue about the situation. Why doesn't Derek disavow his behavior toward Tricia? He doesn't because he can't.

  51. crystalmeh2:03 AM

    I've actually been around and read this site regularly for more years than I care to admit but I haven't really paid much attention to these "commenters" ward until now but I am only slightly interested more annoyed

    My comment was more geared towards people making silly comments like you just did than anything this Derek or Tricia may or may not have said. I only meant that maybe we should try discussing the topic per blind instead of each other which is what I plan to try to do after this:)

  52. bush bunny4:44 AM

    There is a massive forest fire raging in Callabassas (sic) right now that threatens a lot of celebrity homes. This is where ALL the Karcrashians live. Talk about a great way to end the series! I don't wish this on anyone. Not even them.

  53. Steff1:28 PM

    Blah, blah. No one wants to hear it. You choose to entertain these immature comments. You allow them to annoy you...that's on you. I love some of the commenters on here - especially JUNE! If I start to read their crap, I move on to the next. Not trying to be rude, it's just not worth allowing something to bother you. If anything, feel sorry for them.

  54. Steff1:36 PM

    Please @Enty...stop this Derek/Tricia madness. Can we all just get back to making snide remarks about Kim K? She's a disgusting, vapid, petulant bizatch who's over botoxed and filled. She has no depth. It's sad and unfortunate.

  55. Cinabun1:57 PM

    Enty usually does nothing & Cdan's set up is harder to moderate/ban.

  56. And this suprises who?

  57. Whywhywhy???9:21 PM

    Get ready to fall over @Sandy.... the Queen has spoken even though she is not a fan. I threw out a beauty product in subscription box I despise this family so much and now this...

  58. sandybrook10:17 PM

    :( :( :( :(
