Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - This closeted publicist/reality star is offering out the woman he calls his girlfriend to prospective clients. No one has taken him up on it, so I have no idea if she even knows he is doing it.

#2- Hiding in plain sight, this B+ list teen mostly movie actress met up with her boyfriend on a flight out of LA. Not the offspring boyfriend you see in the tabloids who would be crushed if he ever found out he is just for show.

#3 - This one hit wonder celebrity offspring counted off the number of bites his girlfriend was allowed to eat a lunch this weekend. Meanwhile, the a-hole got to eat all of his meal.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:10 AM

    3. Thicke

  2. Tricia133:10 AM

    1)Jonathan Cheban

  3. MontanaMarriott3:10 AM

    2.Moretz and Beckham

  4. Tricia133:11 AM

    2)Chloe Miretz
    3)Robyn thicke

  5. sandybrook3:11 AM

    1-the KTrash bff
    2-Chloe Moretz

  6. sandybrook3:12 AM

    welp all done.....

  7. Kno Won Uno3:19 AM

    Yeah...I got the same feeling from Chloe Moretz as I get from pics of Lilo with her 'fiance'.
    That feeling is "meh".

  8. Kno Won Uno3:20 AM

    Anyone willing to date Thicke is already admitting they're pretty stupid and/or fame-hungry.

  9. Blanik3:23 AM

    Like anyone actually believes Kim's paid for bestie is straight, he really just needs to come out already.

  10. Airhead4:03 AM

    He looks like a potato with fillers and lip injections.

  11. Malibuborebee4:49 AM

    That fat whore's nobody of a best friend has a blind item? First, who would even know his name? Second, PMK would flay him living if he tried to cut in on her pimp action.

    Robin Thicke is sadistically starving some stupid girl now but he'll be on Dancing With the Has Beens and playing country fairs in no time.

    I know nothing about Chloe Moretz except that she used to have a middle name.

  12. Claire5:54 AM

    #3 can NOT be real!

    Who the hell would put up with that?!? The second he mentioned it, I would have stood up, poured my drink over him, left, and went ate an entire delicious meal (plus dessert!) all by myself!

    I never truly hated Robin Thicke, just thought was annoying, but if he really treats women this way he is pure scum!

  13. microving5:58 AM

    Chloe Moretz is closeted

  14. Guesser6:19 AM

    I thought she was dating an old, maybe married guy? I think the Beckham boy is , but he's very young and wants a publicity girlfriend. I believe she has two gay brother as well.

  15. Hot Cola6:42 AM

    I wish we could through tomatoes at Thicke at that country fair...

  16. Wendy7:05 AM

    I feel like 3 is just made up because Thicke's girlfriend is really skinny. Newsflash enty, women can be skinny and also eat, it's called having a fast metabolism.

  17. @Malibu Great analysis, you made me laugh, and how right you are!

  18. They're pretty much all made up. The girl who is supposed to be #2 was papped at LAX yesterday. Nobody was with her but her mother.

  19. SD Auntie2:24 PM

    Sorry. That girl is on meth or coke. Protruding ribs, stick legs and jutting jaw indicates heavy usage. She was fine before. Robin has no income except as a 3rd rate lounge singer in Europe.
