Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Item #10

This former A- list movie actress doesn't act much any longer. Well, except for the being straight thing. Anyhoo, even though it seems like it was just a second ago she had a baby, she is pregnant again.


  1. sandybrook4:07 AM

    Not Mila amirite?

  2. Joliegoalie4:07 AM

    Jessica Biel

  3. Ms. Anne Thrope4:10 AM

    +1 what Jolie said

  4. sandybrook4:11 AM

    Only other one I can think of, and I don't think Enty would say this about her, is Liv Tyler. baby 2 came last year. Baby3 on the way

  5. sandybrook4:12 AM

    c'mon Enty she's not A-anything. Kate Winslet is B to you. :(

  6. Kno Won Uno4:19 AM

    I hate when he does this BS ratings crap.

  7. Biel can't possibly be former A-list

  8. sandybrook4:23 AM

    :( :( A-list horseface

  9. This everyone is gay thing is getting ridiculously old.

  10. Zilla14:34 AM

    Yep, they had a random photo of Biel here a little while ago, looking thick in the middle, and me and backagain were both openly wondering if she was preggo again.

  11. Fedup4:49 AM

    I agree. I am so tired of "oh, he or she is gay and hiding it with beards". If you are gay stand up and be proud, but quit labeling everyone as gay or bi! The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force estimates that only three to eight percent of both sexes are either gay or bi. Get a grip and quit your assumptions that every one is not straight.

  12. Nicole4:55 AM

    Are you sure it's Biel? She didn't "just" have a baby. He's 15 months old. I'd be thinking someone who JUST had a baby, like less than 6 months ago.

  13. Enigma_X5:08 AM

    When was Jessica Biel an A-list movie actress? All I can remember her in is the lesser of the two magician movies 10 years ago and the remake of 'Total Recall' where Kate Beckinsale acted circles around her.

  14. cebii5:50 AM

    It's a bummer that people can't just live and let live. I wish we lived in a world where Biel could be open and out, and could have babies with JT just because they thought they'd make good parents together.

    And TayTay could be honest about her girlfriends and not raise the ire of millions of trump-like parents who will keep their little girls from listening to her music.

    Where a woman can say, You know, I loved women in my twenties, but found this guy in my thirties and we're happy and going to marry and have a family, without getting judged.

    And where I can go to the pool with my black children and not see them called out by the lifeguards for doing things the white kids are doing all aroung them.

    some things about our culture really suck. Luckily, I'm a positive person.

  15. Wendy6:03 AM

    Picture of her going to a doctor today too...i should write these blinds lol

  16. mocka6:31 AM


    yep, jessica biel. doctor's office natal visit papped the other day.

    heard timberlake signed up with woody allen's new movie. bad move...the younger demo doesnt like woody, doesnt worship like the older actors/actress a la Winslet who worship him.

    they should tread carefully....or risk losing the next gen of moviegoers.

  17. texasrose7:33 AM

    Beil is probably A for name recognition but B for actress.

  18. i think of liv tylor as a beautiful & picture perfect lesbian...

  19. SnarkIsFun8:47 AM

    Just to be different, I'm going to throw out a different name: Drew Barrymore. Definitely A-list. (Not sure if Jessica Alba would fit that.)

    Oh, and btw, @cebii, +10000000 to what you said!

  20. Fashionhigh8:54 AM

    Oh, TayTay and Biel are definitely gay? I didn't know you were besties with them both. Maybe you could give us more juicy gossip! (Snark)

  21. Honeybunny9:41 AM

    Yes. I mentioned it a couple of days ago.

  22. HunnyBunny9:43 AM

    I've been getting preggo vibes from Drew for a few weeks for sure...

  23. S.D.AUNTIE10:57 AM

    No kidding. It is ridiculous and i dont believe it. Photos or video please!!!

  24. S.D.AUNTIE10:58 AM


  25. Truther1:06 PM

    TayTay is NOT gay. Loki would never be a "beard" for anyone.

  26. Trish3:10 AM

    I thought Drew was openly bisexual.

  27. Mrs.Roper6:48 PM

    Mila Kunis

  28. Small Penis Porn7:20 PM

    Biel opened that crappy restaurant with her GIRLFRIEND...duh!
