Monday, July 18, 2016

Blind Item #11

This former Bachelor contestant who is way more popular than most who did not finish first has been day yachting to pick up some much needed money. She would love to go to Europe but apparently she is needed for some press for the current season of the show.


  1. Tricia134:32 AM

    Becca Tilley

  2. sandybrook4:32 AM

    I dint know any of these except Ali Federotsky (whatever)

  3. sandybrook4:33 AM

    and bitch just had a bebeh

  4. Tricia134:45 AM

    I can't keep track of them either except this one was just papped being "all whimsy" on a beach in Miami...ergo- the blind lol.

  5. sandybrook4:46 AM

    i googled her--she's suppised to be a virgin ?bwahahah

  6. AshBey4:50 AM

    Okay, derp moment ... "Yachting" means some rich douche hired you to be on his boat and get seksii times whenever he wants for the duration of the trip?

  7. Tricia135:01 AM

    Well she's really going "baptism by fire" as we say if that is the case! Virgin to yacht hoe . Her prom with some HS meathead listening to a bad song like everyone else would've been classier lol....

  8. Whatever. Your whole sad life is keeping track of this kind of stuff

  9. sandybrook5:15 AM

    I thought it's nearly impossible to be a virgin going on that show and still being one leaving it :(

  10. Kno Won Uno5:17 AM

    So many "who?!" are frolicking in the surf in virtually non-existent 'swimwear' in hot as hell Miami lately.

  11. sandybrook5:17 AM

    day yachting is like yachting on Gilligan's and skipper's boat, 3 hr tours or slightly more.

  12. Guesser5:20 AM

    Yep. Apparently some woman make a career out of it. Guess your new here!

  13. Tricia136:01 AM

    Actually, not even close. But you seem to do so of mine considering you keep popping up on different posts, and under different "names" like a true captain of industry,right?I think you're last inane attempt and ever so powerful nom de plume was-"Wow" . Perfectly underwhelming and ever so blistering as you called me a"loser",I Something I reckon hasn't happened since I beat a boy in a race or hoops or or something in first grade..Ironic, I know.

  14. patra reiser8:51 AM

    What happened to Derek? Did he get sent away?

  15. Claire4:57 PM

    I have to say, the most pathetic thing ever is making a username just to bash someone else.

  16. Claire4:58 PM

    And frankly, keeping track of commenters on gossip sites is much sadder that keeping track of actual gossip

  17. Claire5:00 PM

    I think you're right that that is who Enty is referring to, but I doubt it.

    She seems like more of the "I'm a virgin, but I still want you to think I'm sexy" tease type.

    I wish Enty would stop just making up blinds based on pictures he sees.
