Thursday, July 21, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born singer is permanently A list. I think he gets most of that from the group he used to be with back in the day. Plus, the easy to remember name. He has made some horrible business investments and is running out of cash. He could probably keep going, but he also wants to split from his wife with a woman who has been traveling with him on tour so needs to really bring in as much cash as he can right now.


  1. Tricia1311:45 PM


  2. sandybrook11:46 PM

    Phil Collins?

  3. sandybrook11:49 PM

    not touring--switching to his cousin Peter Gabriel

  4. Tricia1311:49 PM

    If it's Phil he definitely didn't spend the $$$ on hair plugs etc!

  5. Kno Won Uno11:52 PM

    Dude, the DM said Sting was broke 3 days ago.

  6. Kno Won Uno11:54 PM

    OK, 2 days ago

  7. Derek Harvey12:00 AM

    Anyone to charge as much for concert tickets and STILL be broke needs a slap in the face...but this is rich people broke anyways...maybe he can call Suze Orman..

  8. Guesser12:06 AM

    I remember hearing about how much Trudi spent every time he had an affair. She would buy high priced real estate. He's only cash poor, hasn't had a hit in years, but as his song says, he'll have live and be happy with less.

  9. Guesser12:10 AM

    Also Enty, his solo career was more successful than the Police. If it wasn't , a reunion tour would be worked out.

  10. Derek Harvey12:12 AM

    I love The Police but most of his solo "world" music does nothing for me. Fields of Gold is a nice song though...

  11. Tricia1312:13 AM

    So much of his solo work is amazing- and he had a hit with the musical "The Last Ship".... I wonder how he managed to not retain more than he evidently has. Shoulda been more "tantric" with his money.

  12. Cherry12:22 AM

    I'd go to a reunion concert for The Police before I'd go to a Sting concert.

    Also, Sting would have to split the earnings between three people if it was a Police reunion tour.

  13. Guesser12:27 AM

    The Last Ship was pretty much a bomb financially. It might be the reason he's cash poor, keeping it open longer than it would have if he didn't pump his own money into it. He performed in it for a while to keep it going . Very costly to keep a musical going, they need to sell out way in advance to break even. Plus I think he expected it to reboot his singing career.

  14. So, sad to learn this about Sting -- if it is him.
    Just buying real estate doesn't keep you rich -- especially if you spend more money than you earn.
    See Nicholas Cage for an example of someone buying overpriced houses and just sitting on them.
    If you are going to spend money on real estate, make sure there's a return in the form of positive monthly income.

  15. Guesser12:43 AM

    They deserve it. Sting could have a taste of humble pie for a change.

  16. SweetBlu1:14 AM

    The Police had a reunion tour 2007-ish. I went and it was fantastic!

  17. MysticChic1:18 AM

    Receipts here for Broadway shows...a typical hit even running for years barely breaks even. The money is the intellectual prooerty...not ticket sales. Owning the book rights, the song rights can bring in money every time a theatre anywhere produces it.

    Even a small 75 seat theater costs buckeloads due to the electrical bill alone...just turning on the stage lights alone costs the production thousands of dollars.

    Touring brings in bucks with all the high margin crap merchandise people buy. That's where the money is. $200 a seat tickets go to the rider, security, space, crew, blah blah blah. Yeah, artists get the largest cut i'm sure but thousands of fans buyin .50 cost t-shirts at $40 bucks or so is nothing but net. The licensed merchandise is the money.

    If he's stepping out on Trudie and wanting a split well he gets what's coming to him.

  18. MysticChic1:19 AM


  19. Whywhywhy???1:59 AM

    I thought he was broke because he financed his dream musical, the Last Ship, that flopped on Broadway.

  20. Frank3:01 AM

    I saw them in concert and it's the best thing. Next to 1 or 2 other things.

  21. hothotheat3:19 AM

    Sting was married to his first wife when he hooked up with Trudy. She knew he was a cheater and factored that into the pre-nup.

  22. longtimereader3:28 AM

    I knew there was a reason why he would sing at that Russian oligarch's wedding, he needs the $$$'s. Ha!ha!

  23. Soapy3:39 AM

    I went to the Police reunion show about 10 years back. They were great musically, but they didn't seem interested in being there. No audience interaction...just a paycheck. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they pretty much can't stand each other...especially Sting and Stewart.

  24. Zilla14:12 AM

    I wonder if it is the slinky young blond backup singer I saw a few weeks ago when I went to see Sting and Peter Gabriel in Brooklyn. She's part of Sting's crew.

  25. Laura Palmer5:58 AM

    I literally walked out of Sting's sex concert some years ago... just the most self indulgent boring babble...I hated him. Went to the Mezz for a drink and decided to keep walking straight out to my car...zzzzzzzzzz

  26. Laura Palmer6:04 AM

    Oh yeah and when he came out on stage people were clapping and cheering and he said something into the Mic about them all clapping for him like monkeys before he even was just disgusting...I loved him on SNL tho...he was so hot back in the day....Can't tolerate him after that show dick...

  27. SnarkIsFun11:02 AM

    If this is Sting, and he is really that much of a dick, I'm on team Trudy. Let Gordon Sumner go back to being a history teacher.

  28. I think it's Bono. There was something about bad stock investments. Sting and Trudie are in it for the long haul. A long time ago he said that they hurt so many people, they had to make it work, plus I've read many times they have an agreement and she doesn't care.

    Bono taking off on Ali Hewson would not shock anyone and who would even care.

  29. Guesser1:05 AM

    The only problem is it says he was in a popular band back in the day.U2 still exists, and Bono hasn't had much of a solo career.I think the blind was meant to explain Sting as a wedding singer for some rich guy.

  30. It is not Bono. He is worth a fortune, probably $500 mil plus. He made money from Facebook too. If Sting, that's a shame. Can't these people take $20 mil and invest and live off the interest?

  31. TopperMadison1:16 AM

    Sting will never have to worry about money. His Police royalties alone must be massive.
