Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born now A- list mostly movie actress is getting a lot of flack for her latest movie. The thing is, she has some racist tendencies so, what she sees in the movie is not what everyone else sees when they watch it. She thinks it's fine.


  1. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Margot Robbie/Tarzan? I have no real clue though have not seen or heard much about it

  2. It is supposed to be Margot but she seems like the nicest unproblamtic Actress, plus she is really friendly with racially diverse costars so i call bs

  3. French girl12:40 AM


    She is enough friendly with Will Smith to accept that he uses her to prove his heterosexuality

  4. French girl12:42 AM

    If to act in Tarzan is the clue that you are racist.why not to accuse Jackson or Skargard?

  5. Lookin at her instagram she has done chariry work in africa. This blind is total bs

  6. Went and looked to double check, it was in the philippines. She isn't racist

  7. Tricia1312:50 AM

    Thx for info- I agree it seems wildly untrue or fabricated .she seems lovely from what I have seen, as well.

  8. Most of these comments show what's wrong. No one knows what racism is, yet are so sure they aren't. Look up the definition. I can be racist AND volunteer in Africa! How novel!

  9. Sarah2:07 AM

    Wait... if you do charity work in the Philippines you can't be racist?

  10. Sarah2:08 AM

    Thank you. I've even witnessed racist people adopt black children.

  11. longtimereader3:08 AM

    Donald sterling dated black women, your point being?

  12. hothotheat3:48 AM

    Or it's not Margo Robbie, it's someone else. Jesus, this isn't a reveal.

  13. Guesser4:40 AM

    If you are going to call someone racist, explain why. Just calling someone something for no reason, especially when people assume it's a certain person, makes no sense.

  14. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:01 AM

    I am afraid that this is another example Americans and their extremely stupid definition of racism.
    No wonder you are murdered every other week by all of the races (look at shitcago, where n words kill more n words every weekend than cops in a year), you are always whining about shit nobody cares anywhere else in the world.

  15. GroovieMann6:03 AM

    This stupid blind is so incendiary - exactly what racist tendencies is Enty pretending to be aware of?

    I refuse to jump to conclusions or get worked up when this sounds like one of the made-up blinds.

  16. Malibuborebee6:27 AM

    No wonder we're murdered every other week by all of the races? Seriously? That's your level and you're bitching about Americans?

    Die in a grease fire, Kermit, or a non-grease fire, or any old way at all, just as long as it's soon. TIA!

  17. Chi chi8:38 AM

    I've been thinking this for ages it bugs the hell out of me..someone makes a guesse and if someone thinks it can't be right they call bs instead of finding someone who fits better.

  18. NoseyNeighbor11:18 AM

    LOL Sarah! That was my immediate thought. You can be racist and still hang out with Will Smith and do charity work in Africa and Asia.

  19. @ Dread3:48 PM

    Well it makes it less likely doesn't it, not sure why a racist would help and be friends with other races. I think this is a case of Enty being racist himself because margot is Australian and its often said by racists that theyre racist

  20. It it for supposed to be Margot, enty is being racist because she is Australian so she must be a racist, duh.

  21. marlo8:32 PM

    Aaaarrrgh, when will these tedious cries of 'waycism' that only ever go one way (!) stop?? It's getting fucking boring!! Not to mention that it has no effect anymore on intelligent people, because it's the go-to insult du jour.

    Don't like somebody, and want to shut them up?
    Just call them RACIST. Job done. (apparently)

    If only these pesky white people in their pesky white countries (filled with minorities!!), where as tolerant, accepting and non racist, as your average Africans or Muslims, ey?? (countries void of minorities, because they have all been killed and/or chased off)

    Damn Whitey, if only less of them existed, there'd be no racism whatsoever in the world, nobody would war, and Blacks wouldn't shoot each other, and Muslims wouldn't slaughter one another, and everybody would skip through meadows, holding hands, while wearing flowers in their hair...!

  22. Debunker1:28 AM

    I love you Marlo. And we can always depend on the Bore to read anyone for filth if they disagree with it. The resident PMS'ing, tolerant liberal c you next Tuesday. It is always right. Just ask it.

  23. Leo R7:59 AM

    I can't believe the stupidity of some of these commenters. But specifically, I'll take issue with you Kermitwhateveryerscreentagis. You know full and well you're using that racial slur with intention, don't act like you have a point to make other than to show your bigoted and pea brain ass out.

    The blind says this actress has shown racist 'tendancies'. Enty is alluding to statements or things which this person has allegedly said which have raised the 'oh, that's kinda off racially, no?' eyeberows. What is so hard to understand?

    Is it BS? Maybe. Any blind could be. To reject it on the grounds 'famous person goes to Africa/asia for charity, no way they're racist!' is just plain basic. Yes, BASIC. Famous people will do anything for good pr. Plus, they know good portions of the public believe the crumbs they leave. Wake up! Take it with a pinch of salt if you please, but please, trying to redefine racism by these silly benchmarks is just silly

  24. Enty my dear, please put a tag on your posts that are likely to draw out more white venom. Yawn. Bigger fish to fry than another hollyweird displaying dubious attitudes and her apologists
    *backs up swiftly out of this thread*

  25. Hot Cola2:57 PM

    For some reason, I'm thinking Emma Watson. She has this film shot in Chile. Horrible flop.
    Maybe I'm just projecting, because she's so brithis & proper ( at least that's the persona),
    But that's my thoughts.
    ( maybe that's being racist of me, confusing world)

  26. marlo7:07 PM

    You know what pisses me off the most Debunker?

    You only ever hear accusations and follow up lectures about waycism towards the most tolerant people in the world!

    I'd love to see any of these big mouth social justice warriors, hold a speech about tolerance, acceptance and coexistence, in Compton, Gaza or Karachi!!

    See how fast those bullets would fly, or the heads would roll, curtesy of those lovely, cuddly non waycists...just goes to show what disgusting hypocritical cowards they all are.

  27. peteypablo9:56 PM

    Its Charlize Theron

  28. Camal192:58 AM

    Beyonce also has racist tendancies. I think everyone does actually.

  29. capcha8:05 AM

    LOL no she screwed Will Smith at all opportunities. Also, none of her movies could be called "hers." You're real defensive about this
