Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blind Item #4

So much for the girlfriend. This mostly in the closet bisexual former tweener singer turned adult singer dumped her girlfriend right after finally being with her full-time. Being on tour is like being in a candy store for her and our singer is going crazy with choices. Going crazy with some other things too. Lets she if she gets violent.


  1. Tricia132:47 AM

    Demi Lovato, right?
    That girl should leave skid marks running

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope3:01 AM

    Dummy Lovato, of course.

  3. sandybrook3:02 AM

    Demi Lovato has no clue what she is or what she wants.

  4. Kno Won Uno3:06 AM

    Middling talent, middling looks - she really must hook up with Swifty.

  5. sandybrook3:27 AM

    what would Selena think?

  6. Jim Summers8:46 AM

    Is Demi Bipolar? There's something seriously wrong with her personality.

  7. Jim Summers8:48 AM

    Lovato isn't pretty enough for Swift. In her eyes Lovato is a fat chick, she wants her ladies thin like Karlie Kloss.

  8. Stacey9:18 AM

    I never understood Lovato's appeal. Besides an okay voice, she has nothing else going for her.

  9. sandybrook9:46 AM

    she has said she is bi-polar.

  10. Id take Demi over Taylor, Demi just seems more real than Taylor. SO far everything about Tay Tay has been fabricated and, scripted from her boyfriends and her Fourth of July bouncy castle party. At least Demi's life does not reek of looking like a Abercrombie catalog.

  11. Demi Lovato

  12. longtimereader3:17 AM

    Erm, tay never got f***ed over by the disney machine. Rich parents and a protective label boss. Demi is a victim, i kinda feel sorry for her.

  13. Taylors music and her july 4th bouncy house party and the juvenile girl squad is the behavior of someone who has not dealt with real shit like Demi has. It was a miracle she was able to do the work she did during ger drugging puking and cutting years.

  14. Andrea5:40 PM

    Demi Lovato for sure. Ex girlfriend Selena Gomez
