Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Blind Item #5

It was one thing when this former tweener turned A-/B+ list singer was just causing drama, but now she is missing gigs and interviews and is becoming more irrational just like last time. She needs rehab.


  1. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    I was hoping she wasn't A- =\

  2. Kno Won Uno1:13 AM

    Her slap-fight with Perez is amusing. WTF is up with her?

  3. At least she is not a whiney and backstabbing cocksmocking whore as Perez Hilton. He acts like you are his friend and then stab! Oh. He still claims that he has changed but I still see no shit. And yes, no love lost here.

  4. Riven1:22 AM

    Selena Gomez

  5. Kno Won Uno1:31 AM

    Gaga, is that you?
    JUST KIDDING! I know their "feud" was bullshit.
    I haven't read Perez in years...too kneepads for me

  6. Elle B1:37 AM

    I think she has a great voice. I thought her thing with "stalker sarah" a few weeks ago was hypocritical considering who she was friends with when she was 16 (jeffree star & scene queens). But perez thing is typical demi, her insecurities are always showing.

  7. What's up is getting us to talk about her and, hopefully, filling those empty seats. It's just as likely they collaborated.

  8. Kno Won Uno2:16 AM

    The chances of me or anyone I've ever met paying for a ticket to see Demi Lovato perform in 2016 are in the negatives.
    I realize there are people who'd think nothing of squandering $$ to watch a live slomo train wreck, I just haven't met them.
    She's not talented enough to be publicly fucked up & stay relevant, in my opinion.

  9. Haha. Not Gaga. I have been there for a long time (even before he began to claim that he have changed) and it is pretty well-known that he is still a dipshit bully that love to create drama to get hits and followers over people that he claims to be friends with. And this goes on for a loooong time. If you know what I mean.

    Kneepads? Yeah. First he does that and then he will make things up to make THAT person look bad. Pretty disgusting.

  10. Kno Won Uno3:00 AM

    Way back to the Fat Old Days, huh? In my mind, I still see his old, original picture when he's mentioned. That would give him apoplexy, I'm sure.

  11. Sheepskin3:07 AM

    I think this is suppose t o be about Demi but I don't know what gigs she is suppose to be missing? She hasn't missed any tour dates or interviews she even recently appeared at DNC

  12. longtimereader3:23 AM

    Cancelling gigs is a big no no to promoters, it's called burning bridges.

  13. "she needs rehab"... rehab #457892 +...
    demi/selena, just make 'rehab' every second week of every month...

  14. Laura Palmer5:15 AM

    I like demi, she is beautiful..not cookie cutter. Why does everyone hate on her?

  15. Truther6:08 AM

    It's Demi Lovato. The only reason she didn't miss her scheduled appearance at the 2016 Democratic National Convention is because she needed to out her mental illness and create an alibi for future erratic behavior.

  16. This link explains who Demi and so many other child talent end up with scores of mental issues. Most of them tend to be of the body image kind.

    If this is Demi, I do not think this is her ON DRUGS, more like she is OFF the drugs that she is supposed to be taking. It would be good if she did more work behind the scenes, producing, directing even being a advocate for the welfare of children in show-business.

  17. Hot Cola10:44 AM

    Me too

  18. Antonio3:55 PM

    Yeah she's "bi polar" not a drug addict. Get it right or pay the price lol. Man, to be a celebrity.
