Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blind Item #5

This A+ list singer must snore really loudly or her foreign born actor boyfriend must be allergic to cats. This would explain why he stays in hotels and not her home. You know, because they are madly in love. is it because his mom wouldn't approve?


  1. MontanaMarriott12:46 AM

    Katy Perry

  2. Kno Won Uno12:46 AM

    Mimi & The Oaf

  3. MontanaMarriott12:46 AM

    Taylor S

  4. Kno Won Uno12:46 AM

    Oaf = Packer

  5. Kno Won Uno12:47 AM

    This makes sense.

  6. MontanaMarriott12:47 AM

    Sorry just noticed the cat reference, Enty just won't leave Tay Tay and her Kitty loving Cat Fancy reading self alone, LMAOOOO

  7. MontanaMarriott12:49 AM

    I am soooo not a Tay Tay lover or a cat lover but cute is cute and her fur baby is a cuuuuutie.

  8. Englishrose12:53 AM

    Hiddleswift, duh. He's been papped entering and exiting The Beverley Hills Hotel down the road from her house a few times now.

  9. Must be very CATastrophe for Tom, ah?

  10. Karlie12:55 AM

    Taylor and Tom

  11. Probably because a special member of her "Squad" is warming her bed.

  12. French girl1:07 AM

    Snake and Loki

  13. We may snark and make fun or people who snore; however, it is a deadly part of sleep apnea.
    Whoever this is, I hope they see a doctor about it soon.
    (Most people who "die in their sleep" die as a result of this.)

  14. His publicist put the kabosh on that possibility.

  15. You guys really have a hard on for Taylor. None of this is true.

  16. Miss Edna1:57 AM

    When they were married, Onassis stayed at his hotel apartment and Jackie O lived at her condo when they were in NYC. Of course, comparing Taylor Swift and Huddlepuddle is ridiculous, but the thought just popped into my head.

  17. Guesser2:02 AM

    Hiddles has said in interviews that he loves cats. Maybe that's why she picked him in the first place.

  18. don't be sorry, Katy Perry is a 'cat's lady' too: Kitty Purry & more, her ex Russel B described his life in a huge mention full of cats as 'a lot of funnn'....

  19. Guesser2:12 AM

    In case you guys didn't read the Twitter sidebar, Enty 's kitty passed away yesterday.

  20. AMartel2:26 AM

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Deepest condolences. Cats are our friends.

  21. things 2 make2:28 AM

    easily Taylor Swift and Hiddles in hotels

  22. things 2 make2:30 AM


    heeeeeeey swwwwwift staaaaaaan

    nice to see you are getting an early start today.

  23. sandybrook2:47 AM

    Ok Enty we get it
    TayTay loves pussies
    Hidds doesn't.
    Can we get some new obvious BI's written about some other ppl? We havent had a Cumberbitch blind lately for one. Or Zac Efron.

  24. longtimereader3:20 AM

    The only time 'boyfriends' say with swifty is when there are paps outside to capture the 'walk of shame' the next day. She did it with the boybander and the d.j. at her private, gated house in L.A.

  25. June Gordon3:40 AM

    "her fur baby is a cuuuuutie"

    Jesus on a cross, I HATE the stupid expressions "fur baby" or "fur kids"!!!!!!

  26. Maybe the real reason Tom Hiddleston stays in hotels is because this whole thing is for beading & PR purposes because as we now know Taylor needed a public diversion from all this media BS and also because she has a secret girlfriend. Her past relationship with Calvin Harris was also a bearding & PR relationship but he couldn't hold up his side of the deal and stay away from all the hot girls while in public and also the private massage parlors so he was terminated.

  27. Teacup6:28 AM

    ha tom had better leave the country pronto before this all unravels. Ps the girlfriend is hardly a secret, people just forgot because Calvin was moderately more convincing

  28. cute and cuter6:43 AM

    They are both gay/. double beards and he's probably staying at the hotel with his boyfriend/ manager luke. But at the rate their 'relationship' was going I was expecting an engagement/ pregnancy announcement by now. Oh well, there's always next week!

  29. Yeah Hiddleston's been papped leaving hotels four times now while he and his "girlfriend" Taylor were in the same city, once in NYC last month and three times in L.A. this week.

  30. Yeahsure8:04 AM

    "Of course, comparing Taylor Swift and Huddlepuddle is ridiculous . . ."

    Not as ridiculous as all that if HiddleSwift is as phony as it looks, as the Jackie-Ari O. marriage was hardly one based on true lurve. He was a "collector" of famous women, she wanted security for herself and her kids.

  31. Yeahsure8:08 AM

    Boy has backed himself into a corner good and proper. Betting on huge rock on Swifty's left hand come the Emmys. If they have no plans to come out, they may as well go all the way and have done with it. After all, it's not as if his films ever landed him on the cover of PEOPLE twice . . .

    Did I say this already? If not, here goes - Hiddleswift reminds me of what they used to say about Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers: "He gave her class, she gave him sex appeal."

  32. Hot Cola8:13 AM

    There's was a sham marriage too.

  33. Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift. When he was at SDCC, he stayed at a hotel instead of Taylor's house. Cause they're FAKE!!

  34. I suspect this myself--that this is a double bearding and they have never slept together.

  35. Jim Summers10:55 AM

    Swift will continue to annoy us until she comes out and has the gay marriage with Karlie Kloss that she has always wanted.

  36. sandybrook10:58 AM

    I guess we're screwed forever then. :(

  37. Sylindria3:37 AM

    Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston

    All this is doing is getting him dragged in the press and on the Internet. Dear Lord please stop it already
