Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blind Item #6

This former President of the US not named Bill Clinton, but within the past 40 years loved to walk around the White House in super tight pants or even jeans to show off how well endowed he was. He even used to ask staffers if they thought other world leaders were bigger than he was.


  1. Kno Won Uno1:09 AM

    Ronald Reagan. ('81-'89)

  2. Tricia131:12 AM

    +1ill buy it! He was quite---tall.

  3. Kno Won Uno1:16 AM

    And addled. ;-)

  4. Kno Won Uno1:18 AM

    OMFG, this site is really, really, extra, super slow-loading today. It's giving me a migraine.

  5. Ronald Reagan was 6' 1"

  6. Super slow today. Must be having a lot of people looking at his blog.

  7. d brown1:38 AM

    Certainly not Jimmy Carter. All his "lust" was located in his heart!

  8. Krisr1:40 AM

    I'm not having any problems loading at all..weird...

  9. I only ever visit this site on my phone and never have loading problems.

  10. talldark&handsome2:16 AM

    Lyndon B. Johnson- used to jump in the pool naked in front of his CIA agents to show off how big he was.

  11. Whywhywhy???2:32 AM

    Definitely LBJ...when I started reading presidential biographies I started with him. Still can't believe someone that insecure ran the country. Oh wait.. pathos is excluded from the white house... LOL

  12. This is Lyndon Johnson. He was known for his... size.

  13. sandybrook2:48 AM

    Except for the fact it's within the past 40 years and LBJ stopped being in politics in 1968 which if you do the goesintos is 48 years, so its either Gerald Ford barely in 1976 an ex-athlete, or Ronald Reagan an actor

  14. Just Saying4:52 AM

    That Jimmy Carter was a rascal

  15. Malibuborebee6:37 AM

    LBJ fits perfectly except for the 'last 40 years' part so it can't be him.

    It's so crude, vain and stupid - it has to be Reagan.

  16. Malibuborebee6:38 AM

    Unless it's George W. Bush but I always thought he was princess tinymeat.

  17. It was Johnson. He was a dog.

  18. Kno Won Uno11:10 AM

    That was more than 40 years ago, though. But I agree, he probably did the same thing and worse. Colorful character.

  19. Kno Won Uno11:11 AM

    Or *better*, depending on your point of view

  20. Kno Won Uno11:12 AM

    More than 40 years........I'm putting entirely too much stock in Enty-math.
    It's probably Johnson and his johnson

  21. Kno Won Uno11:13 AM

    Prosthetic? ;-)

  22. Kno Won Uno11:15 AM

    "Mr Gorbechev, tear THIS down, kno'm sayin'? "

  23. Malibuborebee12:07 PM

    lol Poor Laura - who looks like she can barely stand to be near him anymore. Can't blame her.

  24. Malibuborebee12:08 PM

    LOL Said while wearing a cowboy hat, cowboy boots and a brown suit.

  25. Kno Won Uno12:28 PM

    She always looked like someone just stealth farted in her vicinity and she'd like the world to be aware of her utter disdain for bodily functions.

  26. Kno Won Uno12:29 PM

    Chaps? Ew. I creeped myself out.

  27. Hot cola12:38 PM

    Must be all these curtains loading...

  28. Malibuborebee12:47 PM

    He did have chaps - remember?

    No he didn't, or if he did I can't find a photo and there ought to be one. I don't know why I have such a strong image of him out at the faux-ranch with Nancy and he's wearing chaps over his jeans.

    I wanted to say it was when she did the sotto voce "we're doing everything we can" to prompt him when he was floundering in front of reporters but I'm wrong about that. I give up.

  29. Kno Won Uno1:12 PM ;-)
    I always thought Nancy was the actual president and he was her spokeshead....but I repeat myself.

  30. Post Name1:28 PM

    It's Lyndon Johnson, but in 1976 he'd been dead for three years.
    I think they mean "within the past 50 years."

  31. Malibuborebee1:46 PM

    What was that old crack about Nancy and Betsy Bloomingdale when Reagan got elected? The Girls are in charge of the White House now.

    Alfred Bloomingdale, of the mistress (Vicki Morgan) who was later murdered fame, was in Reagan's Kitchen Cabinet made up of businessmen who would never submit to or pass a confirmation hearing. While they shot the shit about old Hollywood and how to break unions, Nancy and Betsy got things done and shopped as if their lives depended on it, which in a way I suppose they did.

    I actually think Reagan's other advisers were doing the yeoman's work in that administration. God knows it wasn't Ronnie and his brown suits. I will never get over those brown suits - the horror... THE HORROR and I know that you must feel me on this, Kno, because you have taste and... the horror!

  32. Shalene1:57 PM

    He's probably packing. On his defense Ron was a rancher at heart. And this is others thought of why he was in jeans. So I'm not sure it was him strutting bc most hung men are not braggers.

  33. The Presidents of the past 40 years: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton (disqualified per the blind item) and George W. Bush. Can't imagine Nixon, Ford or Carter doing it. Reagan, possible since he liked to promote an image much as he did in his acting days. Bush Sr., perhaps an old CIA trick to intimidate people? Bush Jr., sounds like frat house behavior he would participate in.

  34. OldEnough9:14 AM

    Not how I woulda spelled it, but thrilled to see the goesintos reference. I always imagined it spelled with a z. Or two.
