Friday, July 15, 2016

Blind Item #6

This former A- list mostly television actress turned trainwreck who is running out of money and career and couldn't even hack reality has a secret. No, not that she uses drugs. Everyone knows she uses drugs. Apparently though, when she is using opiates she likes to take off her clothes and experience it naked.


  1. Kno Won Uno1:02 AM

    Who doesn't?

  2. Snookiemonster1:02 AM


  3. Tricia131:28 AM

    +1 @snookiemonster. She had a "topless" photo the other day and a faraway look in her eyes..Enty is on it connecting the dots lol!

  4. Zilla11:29 AM

    Tori? Was she ever an A list tv actress, on 90210?

  5. AndrewBW1:30 AM

    Yes . . .

  6. AndrewBW1:30 AM

    @Snookie . . . and yes again.

  7. Guesser1:39 AM

    Tori was pretty successful in reality tv for a while, Misha was a disaster on DWTS..While I call BS on many of his yacht girl tales, Misha seems to be advertising herself for sale.

  8. GroovieMann5:20 AM

    How about some quality over quantity with the blinds, enty?

    None of these are scandalous!

  9. I'm sure this is a selling point for her johns. With the drama with her stage mama & workin' the yacht circuit, Mischa seems like she's coming for Lohan's Queen Mess crown.

  10. Mooshki10:20 AM

    You can tell Mischa's using because she got thin again. When she's sober, she gains weight. Poor girl. Despite her bad behavior, I've always had a soft spot for her since Lost and Delirious.

  11. Three young ladies have played Lily on All My Children: Leven Rambin, Michelle Trachtenberg and Mischa Barton. All apparently H'wood messes now. This is apropos of nothing. I just find it interesting.
