Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Blind Item #7

Not content with just throwing away all his money and life on drugs, this former boy bander insists his new girlfriend do drugs with him if she wants them to date.


  1. Zilla11:33 AM

    Watch it, Gigi.

  2. Tricia131:38 AM

    Liam Payne/Cheryl Versini Fernandez Rigatoni Primavera, maybe

  3. Kno Win, Uno1:44 AM

    (Zayn Malik)

  4. Khaleesi1:55 AM

    Zayn and gigi

  5. mariaj2:18 AM

    Not sure if is Zayn and Gigi, she isn't really his " new girlfriend", aren't they " dating" by a while?

  6. is gigi a "new gf"?
    didn't she brake up w/ zm, become taylor's #1 bff & #1 supporter of drug free nowadays feminist's squad?

  7. The irish blond one has a new gf.

  8. Simon cowells boyfriend is named Paul McKenna2:50 AM

    Lol Gigi was a fan of coke wayyyy before zayn. Also I thought blind gossip said anyone in taylors squad had to be drug free? Never mind that cara loves her drugs. Selena has been hospitalized for 'exhaustion' multiple times and I think the old snort-snort might be what keeps Taylor so model thin. But you didn't hear that from me.

  9. longtimereader3:17 AM

    Taylor is naturally gawky but i agree that several of the 'squad' like nose candy.

  10. Should we tell her?

  11. @Simon that Brit hypnotist?

  12. Hot Cola11:53 AM

    She doesn't deserve that

  13. SnarkIsFun12:17 PM

    @Tricia13: *giggle-snort!*

  14. S.D.AUNTIE1:24 PM

    Yes i think Taylor does use.Occasional recreational.use=ok. Addiction=no. Its,all a facade and dont get caught or look high

  15. Um, no, no use is ok. The moment you first take drugs, you're consenting to becoming a sex offender, murderer, violent abuser, home invader etc. Not ok at all.

  16. Claire6:20 PM

    LOL what?

    Sorry, but if you do any of those things under the influence of drugs you were a fucking psycho to being with.

  17. Claire6:22 PM

    I am an evil person, I guess, but I would just LOVE to see Gigi take a fall over drug use. She is the most uninteresting, uninspiring "supermodel" I have ever seen. I can't wait for to become irrelevant.

  18. marlo4:18 PM

    Claire, yes you ARE indeed an evil person, like most delusional leftoids.

    Wishing heroin addiction, and possible death, to a girl just because you're jealous of her success as a model, is so socialist - and indeed fucking satanic.

    You should be ashamed of yourself, you inbred deranged turd cnut.

  19. Claire4:07 PM

    You cannot be serious.

    How does my disliking of a model make me a socialist? How did you connect those dots, you psycho?

    Unless this is sarcastic and meant to be taken as comedy. Can't tell anymore with all the crazies online.

  20. marlo5:28 PM

    Shut it you sociopathic cnut!

    You wrote yourself that you guess you're an evil person, for LOVING if this young impressionable, stupid girl , got addicted to the most deadly drug there is.

    Your ilk runs around spewing death wishes, and then calls others psychos.

    You are putrid fucking piece of shit, I hope you're small life reflects your heinous post, and I think it absolutely does.
    Fucking cockroach.

  21. Claire6:02 PM

    Get a damn life. This is a gossip site. If I wanna talk shit about a celebrity, that's what this site is for.

    You, meanwhile, seem to have severe psychological issues.

  22. marlo5:45 PM

    You turd come on gossip sites with DEATH WISHES for young women, and you accuse me of psychological issues?

    Vile dumb inbred cockroach.
