Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Item #7

The manager of this former A+ list tweener turned a-hole A- list singer is a racist and is not being as discreet as he used to be.


  1. Elle B1:34 AM

    scooter braun

  2. A racist? Since when and in what way? He is now manager of Usher, if I remember correctly.

  3. sandybrook2:15 AM

    I see nothing in his twitter even remotely racist and besides managing this turd and Usher he now co-manages Yeesus as of July 1st.

  4. Sarah2:56 AM

    Managing/doing business with a black person doesn't exempt you from being racist. And not all racists post their racism on Twitter. Racism is a belief before it becomes an action. You're lying if you claim you don't know this.

  5. longtimereader3:23 AM

    Did donald sterling date black women? Some of the biggest racist's i ever met were big r n'b music fans.

  6. Really?!?3:44 AM

    I dont really think you can call someone racist for posting a instagram rant about black lives matter!! Thats the complete opposite of racist. Plus Scooter has a lot of involvement with POC so this is complete bs if you are saying its him!! Sort of like when you said Bieber was homophobic but there's no evidence to say that he is, just the opposite.

  7. Claire5:17 PM

    Another anti-Justin Bieber boring blind.
