Saturday, July 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 10, 2016

This wannabe reality star sold her soul and allegiance to the other side. The thing is, she thinks she is going to become a reality star. Nope. They just wanted her silence so are making promises to her just like that guy who used to be married to the A++ list singer. They just all use her and she never learns.

Amber Rose/Nick Cannon/Kim Kardashian naked selfie


  1. AshBey1:17 AM

    Wow, she really is unintelligent. I had a feeling her assistant was the smart one. Her commercials for her reality show show her as stilted and lifeless. She reminded me of the scenes in Rocky II where he was trying to do commercials but couldn't even read cue cards. Blah, I won't be watching.

  2. Sarah1:50 AM

    They've (well she) destroyed her credibility as well. No one is going to believe anything she says now.

  3. Guesser1:52 AM

    She seems to be pretty famous for someone who doesn't do anything but date famous people. Around the time of this blind she did some emoji based on her, and supposedly made big bucks.You say they used her,but really if she got money, basically they paid her instead of a tabloid paying her.

  4. is taylor or china much different: bff today, enemy tomorrow,bff the day after tomorrow, enemy the week after tomorrow....
    all of them are trolling us & make "LEMONADE"....

  5. Studio544:50 AM

    Good for her for standing up for Taylor against the sex tape actress and her GAY "husband."

  6. maiklee5:07 AM

    Honestly, if proof came out Kanye was gay his career would be over. That's just the reality. Not surprised they are willing to do anything to keep Amber quiet about a sex life that obviously indicated Kanye prefers being a bottom bang-in-the-ass type to hetero.

  7. hunter5:54 AM

    Well she got her own show so somebody is wrong.

    Couldn't be ENTY right?!?!?!?

    Was just down in NYC subway & there are posters for the Amber Rose show.

  8. That Guy6:16 AM

    She's going to have her own talk show on VH-1. It's produced by Dr. Phil. She also appears on his show The Doctors. I've just been assuming she's banging him, because it all seemed to happen from out of nowhere.

  9. Whywhywhy???6:38 AM

    I could see her banging Dr. Phil. She seems to be drawn to types who disrespect her. She seems to be able to turn a trick with him in order to get a contract. I am thinking Wiz had a solid pre nup.

  10. Honeybunny7:10 AM

    Tay is gay to, so.....(Kanye shrug)

  11. Stacey11:26 AM

    And when Amber realized she is being used, I hope she leaks all the photos and videos of Kanye getting pegged.

  12. Derek's Anal Beads1:07 PM

    Ditto my bitch.
