Monday, July 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Old Hollywood

June 12, 2016

This A list legend was on radio and television as an A lister for over four decades. His wife was notorious for cutting off anyone from their life if they had not had a hit in awhile. Then, if they did strike it big again, there she was, front and center like she never left.

Jack Benny/Mary Livingstone


  1. Ettacettera2:08 AM

    I would've guessed Danny Kaye--his wife arranged his contracts and had final say on female co-stars..she was always on the set

  2. villagedianne2:17 AM

    Reportedly George Burns and Gracie Allen did not think highly of Mary Livingstone.

  3. sandybrook2:20 AM

    I'm not sure this is unusual behavior with big shots. When you're important everyone wants your rub, when you're not, you're nowhere.

  4. Kno Won Uno2:23 AM

    Sounds pretty standard for most professions, in my experience. Maybe entertainment lawyers have higher ethical/moral standards ;-)

  5. Guesser2:59 AM

    Did she do the same with his male co stars? Because you know...

  6. Guesser3:03 AM

    Probably could fill in any names were the wife was either manager or a star themselves.

  7. George and Gracie, Danny Kaye, Jack Benny--please can someone attempt to fill their shoes.

  8. Whywhywhy???11:52 PM you have an actual IT person or is this some English Lit or Communications major running the site???!!!! Beyond annoying this morning.

  9. Claire2:19 PM

    For real. This is basically just business sense.
