Friday, July 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 8, 2016

This actress, who is only an actress by the grace of a family member was allowed to cut everything writers wrote for her in a recent appearance on a hit pay cable show and write the whole thing herself. She then had a few choice words to the writers about how to write. Not well liked. Nope.

Grace Dunham


  1. Derek Harvey2:07 AM

    I guessed the show was Girls-but I thought it was Malia Obama ---loving the trolls on the original thread...wonder where ol "Frank" went he just happened to dissapear the same time as another poster..
    Anyways Grace is SUPER butch now and I would imagine very annoying to deal with...

  2. sandybrook2:12 AM

    Lena doesn't write Girls?!?

  3. Kno Won Uno2:13 AM

    Oh, I see that!
    Plus, she's got that whiny, entitled, know-everything Dunham thing going
    (◔ ะด◔)

  4. Derek Harvey2:14 AM

    and ELLE B Guessed correctly at the end! It is sometimes hard to read proper guesses with all the nonsense, trolling, nonsensical guessing in between...

  5. Kno Won Uno2:15 AM

    She has a much, much higher calling: underpants + armpit hair = feminism

  6. Derek Harvey2:17 AM

    Lena groomed her with pebbles -its not her fault! lol...imagine family dinners must be a real HOOT!

  7. Derek Harvey2:18 AM

    she writes about half the episodes-but she does not write them all herself

  8. sandybrook2:21 AM

    I guess she should have done everyone a favor and wrote this bitch's part herself since she knows her so well and could predict what would come out of her mouth at any time.

  9. Kno Won Uno2:22 AM

    Oh Jesus, that's right! Eww....just eww

  10. Elle B2:23 AM

    it was at least a few hours later when I remembered.

  11. Frank2:33 AM

    @Derek I was here yesterday.I posted on this and the blind about the Soprano's actress. Actually, I read the site daily but do not often comment, as Ive said before I think.Only when I wanna say something. I work -and unlike you do have a job not a fictitious one (didn't you just tell us all you're at a new job has made it hard for you to post?) Have you been fired already?
    Talk about trolling. Weird it stopped toward certain posters since you're "back today" . Whatever though.
    Yesterday's link . We know how you love - links.

  12. Derek Harvey2:34 AM

    and we say it everyday--but I guess ANYONE REALLY can be a MODEL if you have a famous last name lol

    Lena Dunham's Little Sister Grace Makes Her Modeling Debut - Elle
    Sep 14, 2015 - You might know Grace Dunham, Lena Dunham's 23-year-old sister, from Lena's breakthrough indie film Tiny Furniture—in which Grace fittingly ...

  13. Derek Harvey2:36 AM

    I'm not working today : )
    I feel like I should be paying you rent--I seem to occupy your mind A LOT. Now get back to work, boss...

  14. Frank2:46 AM

    Fun catch phrase- did you steal it from one of your Real Housewives?And don't flatter yourself bro...The only person preoccupied with you, IS you.

  15. Derek Harvey2:47 AM

    could have fooled me
    at least The Real Housewives dont use the term "bro"

  16. blahblah3:05 AM

    Fuck. How depressing
    You are a tool of epic proportions
    and it's so depressing youre back.
    Did they let you out of the 5150?

  17. Wendy3:25 AM

    "go away you freak" isn't exactly the most mature thing to say, Derek.

  18. Oops!3:34 AM

    It's also the name of the troll that's been here the last week or so. "Go Away. "
    Things that make you go hmmm.

  19. bigger4:01 AM


    It's interesting, the first season she wrote most of the episodes....but ever since she really blew up in 2012, she doesnt write most of the episodes anymore. sometimes it's cowritten with her or whatever.

    you know, she should be careful...this is her only thing...Girls...and once it's over......

  20. sandybrook4:06 AM

    She can write books and screenplays and maybe because HBO had success with her--she can executive produce something for them.

  21. ... she will please just disappear already?

  22. Seriously?7:57 AM

    D Rock was being especially douchey in the original blind. Why is he back? He started right back where he left off yesterday.

  23. They are two unfortunate looking creatures. Right down there with the Willis girls...ugh

  24. Little dog10:57 AM

    I'd be asking for a refund on those Anger Management classes he was attending

  25. Derek's Anal Beads12:37 PM

    No, you b!tches just use words like lol, smh, & lolololololol you f&cking tool.
