Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

June 13, 2016

This actress is B+ list. She made some headlines a couple of years ago when her husband cheated her and got publicly busted. Anyway, she is helping raise funds for an 8 year old boy with an inoperable brain tumor. His family has medical and travel costs to travel back and forth for treatment. The boy’s father works in the area where the father of our actress lives. She has called on friends in LA to donate tickets to their shows along with meet-and-greets, as well as walk-on roles in some shows; these will be auctioned off at a large fundraiser.

Mary McCormack


  1. Derek's Thong2:35 AM


  2. Ettacettera2:41 AM

    This is a lovely gesture, and I don't doubt her intentions. ..I have trouble with some 'fundraisers though because they become pr ops for some celebs who don't contribute a dime..sometimes they get gift bags just to show up. A few celebs writing checks (small potatoes for them) would raise the needed funds as well ..

  3. kibble3:06 AM

    Woot! Woot! @back again FTW!!!

  4. Kathy3:18 AM

    I have loved her since Stern's movie. She is a gem

  5. markwords3:58 AM

    is it weird that I always get this lady confused with Abbie Cornish? I know abbie is like at least 10 years younger, but theres something about their face similiarities

  6. bush bunny4:16 AM

    Is she the actress who was in Dances With Wolves? I am really out of it this morning. Up all night with police helicopters dive bombing over my apartment bldg. Squad cars from here (NYC) to Toronto. Why? Some teen-aged girls started fighting down the street at a teen dance! I'm going back to bed.

  7. At least you know who she is. I've never even heard of her.

  8. That's Mary McConnel not Mary McCormack.
