Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 10, 2016

This foreign born reality star from a franchise that probably does not have many seasons left in it already has a new guy on the hook ans is reeling him in. He has dropped $50K on a vacation with her and there is no sign of what made her divorced in the first place.

Yolanda Hadid


  1. Kno Won Uno2:32 AM

    $50K for like, a frickin' month?
    That sounds pretty reasonable, truthfully. Not in the context of *my* life, but celeb-wise.
    She was lounging around on that blasted tree for what seemed like forever, "rebuilding her strength" from her bullshit illness.

  2. First - if the guy is stupid enough.....

    Second and jmo: Yolanda is misunderstood a lot. She's Dutch and unless you know the Dutch culture, then you won't get her humor or why she is the way she is.

    I really think she - and her doctors - had confused w/ what they thought was lyme disease - was actually her fake boobs leaking throughout her body and especially into her lymph nodes. It was after she removed her fake breasts that she started to heal. I think that was culprit - but the doctors (who really do miss a lot and misdiagnose nowadays) kept telling her it was lyme disease.
    Unless you have a fought a disease where all the doctors misdiagnose you, you can't possibly imagine the hell it becomes - it consumes you and ruins your life. Been there, done that and it fucking sucks.

    She wasn't my favorite housewife, but I understand her and am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt only because I've been through something similar and know the Dutch. They can be very haughty but it's not intentional, it's just the way they are in their culture.

  3. Guesser3:55 AM

    It's good to hear a take like this, and you probably felt this might be true because of your own experiences. However,she was claiming her children had the same illness, and she was also using it to nullify her prenuptial.

  4. texasrose4:46 AM

    There is a lot of dumbshits with a lot of money to waste in hopes of fulfilling a dream with a celeb.

  5. Kitty4:57 AM

    She has never been diagnosed with Lyme by any doctor. She is self-diagnosed. She jumps from quack to quack. She also stated that her kids picked it up from horse flies at the ranch where they rode. Being Dutch has nothing to do with it. She is humourless. I, too, know the Dutch. In fact, four are staying with me this summer. They are my in-laws. She is an old golddigger who can't keep her story straight. The only way to void her pre-nup with Foster was to come down with a chronic, severe illness.

  6. BadgeBunny4:58 AM

    How did Lyme Disease nullify her prenup?

  7. Thanks for the head's up Kitty. I didn't know she wasn't officially diagnosed w/ Lyme Disease. I could have sworn I read that her doctors told her it was lyme disease but then after she had implants removed and their leakage removed, her health started getting back to normal hence the "misdiagnosis."

    So, what I'm gathering is...she thought it was lyme disease, when it was really her leaky fake boobies, but she's still claiming lyme because she doesn't want to look like she made it up? Oy vey!! O_o

    I still love the Dutch though. The Dutch people and their country ROCK!
    (my in-laws are dutch, as well) /grin

  8. Interesting perspective, but no. I agree that the leaking implants being removed helped her, but Yolanda milked that "Lyme disease" for all she was worth. And, as Guesser pointed out, she also claimed her children have it.
