Monday, July 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #9

February 29, 2016

Academy Awards

It all started last month. A kind of war brewing during the Golden Globes. Oh, there have been a few potshots at other awards throughout the season, but last month it really picked up steam. This foreign born A list director who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee started trash talking this former A list mostly movie actor. The actor starred in one of the director’s recent movies but starred in a competitor this award season. Apparently the director started trash talking the actor and the rest of the cast and called the director of the current movie a hack or something to that effect. The director went on to trash this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and starred in a movie for the director. Her significant other was a part of the competition too and our director said he would never hire the significant other. This just went on and on. Our a-hole of a director did not limit himself to just trashing his biggest competition, he took shots at every crew member or actor who was competing against his film for awards.
Things got so bad that our a-hole director almost came to blows during the Academy Awards with a nominated crew member at the Golden Globes. At an event earlier this month, the pair had to be separated again. Last night, the tensions were super high. Some idiot sat the cast and crew of the three movies close to each other and during every commercial break they would start in on each other. If there had been more booze last night, there would have been fights. Our a-hole director was throwing the bird and shade at everyone who won not involved in his project. Backstage, the director got shoved by a crew member from the biggest winner of the night.

A list director: Alejandro González Iñárritu
A list movie actor: Michael Keaton
Recent movie: "The Revenant"
Competitor movie: "Spotlight"
Director: Tom McCarthy
A-/B+ list movie actress: Naomi Watts
Movie made with director: "Birdman"
Significant other: Liev Schreiber


  1. Vivienne4:08 AM

    Where is Tom Hardy when you need him

  2. Glamourboy4:08 AM

    So what did he say about Keaton? They were all buddy buddy last year. Did a Google search and didn't find anything.

  3. sandybrook4:08 AM

    Somebody needs to grow the eff up.

  4. sandybrook4:10 AM

    I probably wouldn't want to screw with Ray Donovan either.

  5. Kathy4:13 AM

    Are we in freaking middle school? What a tool.

  6. Khaleesi4:25 AM

    Inarritu is a lunatic. Good thing Spotlight won best picture.

  7. GroovieMann4:30 AM

    FU Inarritu. What kind of prick disses the crew, too?

    Michael Keaton is the shit.

  8. Kno Won Uno4:41 AM

    Maturity isn't required of celebrities. No wonder they can't function in the real world - their emotional maturity stays at pubescent for eternity.

  9. Wow! The pettiness of this whole situation.
    What a bunch of immature grown ups.

    (They should do what us mature grown ups do: ignore each other.)

  10. laughing5:26 AM

    Inarritu - dang dude, you're insecure as hell!

  11. Zilla15:32 AM

    IMO, Michael Keaton was the ONLY good thing about Birdman. It certainly wasn't the forced and stilted dialogue or plot.

  12. Matt C7:41 AM

    Hardy is a giant pussy in real life. Shai knocked him out on the set of Lawless. Hardy is very sensitive and shit.

  13. I'm a bit confused. MK didn't star in The Revenant.

  14. No, he starred in Birdman, Iñarritu's previous film.

  15. Claire5:01 PM

    He's still hot though

  16. Claire5:04 PM

    This whole blind was confusing!
