Sunday, August 14, 2016

Blind Item #2 - Kindness

I think this is the second time this A list director who loves to cast himself in cameos in his movies has been a kindness. Back in the day when he was filming a movie that sounds a whole lot like another box office monster hit our director reached out to the staff at the location where he was filming. He took the entire office out to lunch and personally made sure they got to watch the filming. He also took photos with all of them and arranged for the cast there to do the same thing.


  1. Tricia1311:53 PM

    Kevin Smith

  2. Winnie12:01 AM

    My guess is M. Night Shyamalan with Avatar the Last Airbender (movie that sounds like a box office monster hit, which would be Avatar with the blue people). Only if Enty isn't saying the movie in question was a box office monster hit too, because everyone hated the Avatar the Last Airbender. And only if M. Night is A list in Enty's world.

  3. Snookiemonster12:05 AM

    Quentin tarantino

  4. Tricia1312:08 AM

    M.Night is a good guess! Maybe the similar sounding movie back in the day was "The Sixth Sense"(other hit being "Seven"(Finchers film) or the 5th Element(luc Besson...I think that was a hit ?)

  5. I like Kevin for this. His page has him acting in almost everything he shot the last 4-5 years and in roles in the upcoming sequels to Clerks and Mallrats. Also I love him and know he treats people on set really well. Well in general I guess!

  6. Alabama12:32 AM

    Jon Favreau

  7. macaroniandcheese5:13 AM

    John Waters.

  8. kpist6:23 AM

    Not the answer: But my favorite person that does cameos is in all the Marvel films is Stan Lee. I always watch to see where he will show up, it's great.

  9. Anti5ocial7:42 AM

    I'm going with Mel Brooks

  10. Enigma_X9:30 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised. I've met the guy and he sort of radiates a base-level decency.

  11. I like this. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back is probably the movie.

  12. Todd Phillips!

  13. Peter Jackson
