Thursday, August 04, 2016

Blind Item #3

This former A list singer and once Ukraine's top box office star likes to spin a good yarn. The truth is that over the past few years, the former A lister has had multiple breast enlargements. She thinks bigger is better.


  1. sandybrook12:01 AM

    Jessica Simpson

  2. sandybrook12:02 AM

    not even close to being a blind since I mentioned bitch's implants in the random comments yesterday.

  3. Tricia1312:15 AM

    I know.

  4. Guesser12:22 AM

    Are you one of the Enty's? For what it's worth, I think she just went back to her old size, babies and up and down weight loss taking it's toll. Creepy Papa Joe once commented that those double D s were real.

  5. Whywhywhy???12:35 AM

    @Sandy...count yourself right up there with the Daily Mail as a Enty source...LOL

  6. She has such a weird obsession with her breasts that nobody else shares. After her dad made the comment he did about them, maybe that is why

  7. Juank2:09 AM

    Jessica was never an A list singer. She was only ever a third rate Britney wanna be. She only became an A list celebrity after her reality show.

  8. AyyyPapi2:57 AM

    "Enlargements" don't look anything like what she has.

  9. BTownGirl6:57 AM

    I buy it - if someone had quite a bit to begin with, it can actually be really tough to spot well-done implants.

  10. BTownGirl6:58 AM

    Seeeeeriously! Not to be unkind, but what else does she have going for herself though?

  11. Sorry Breastica's are real. Always have been.

    This is more likely Titney Spears.
