Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blind Item #4

Back in the day this actress was so popular that she got a spinoff from the hit ensemble show on which she starred. Later she was on three television shows at once. Now? Not so much, but she does win the award for most botched facelift anyone has seen in awhile. There are vast portions of her face she can no longer move.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Heather Locklear

  2. Elle B12:32 AM

    kate walsh

  3. People need to look at the surgeon's specialty before the plastic surgery certification. An ear eye nose throat surgeon would be a good choice in a facial surgery. No big nerves get damaged.

  4. Kno Won Uno12:40 AM

    Delta Burke

  5. Zilla112:53 AM

    Kate Walsh

  6. Doreen1:05 AM

    Enty probably means this, but she might have just taken a drunken fall like Spelling.

  7. Guesser1:19 AM

    It could also be she hasn't recovered yet. You don't heal as quickly when you're older.

  8. Salaam2:05 AM

    Curious - what was Locklear's 3rd show - I know she did TJ Hooker and Dynasty simultaneously, but cannot think of a third.

  9. Angela62:20 AM

    Right? I was about to have dental surgery last year and the guy looks dwn at me and says 'I can remove that for you if you'd like' , I say what? He says that mole on your chin, I'm like no, that's a pimple, uh, just pull my wisdom teeth please!

  10. Krysten2:24 AM

    Thought same so I looked and technically she did a few episodes of The Fall Guy if Enty counts that.

  11. Toppermadison2:27 AM

    The Fall Guy

  12. Toppermadison2:28 AM I was thinking of Heather Thomas... I always got those two confused.

  13. Spin City.

  14. Lara Flynn Boyle

  15. Spin City for the third!

  16. MontanaMarriott4:30 AM


  17. Salaam4:50 AM

    Hooker went off the air in 1986, Dynasty in 1989. She did not appear on Spin City until 1999.

  18. Not sure what years melrose place was on

  19. Salaam9:21 AM

    Delta's another one that had 2 at one time ("Designing Women" and "First and Ten"), but I can't think of a third. She did, however, have a spin-off with her Suzanne Sugarbaker character ("Wonan of the House", which barely made it a season. I think it's her.

  20. Khloe9:54 AM

    Locklear was also in Spin City

  21. Zilla14:14 PM

    Holy cow, that is tragic. She was Vivien Leigh-beautiful back then. What a pity that she ruined it all.

  22. Heather looks like she's had some kind of resurfacing or a peel or something. You can see the redness on her neck folds. The marks on her nose could be from lesions being removed or burned off. At one point, I looked that way too. I am of the same age range as she is and we were just not taught about sun protection back in the day. Have had several irregular growths removed and also had some resurfacing with the laser to remove sun damaged areas. Delta looks like too many fillers and the hair cut is really not flattering to her face. I still love both these ladies though. I wish they'd just stop giving a fuck about aging.
