Monday, August 22, 2016

Blind Item #4

This newest Disney star needs to know a voice is replaced pretty easily and if she gets caught snorting that prescription drug she likes doing regularly, she will lose her job and probably not work again.


  1. MontanaMarriott12:33 AM

    Aimee Carrero?

  2. MontanaMarriott12:34 AM

    She is the voice of Elena of Avalor and Disney is putting beaucoup $$$$ into their first Latina princess.

  3. Kno Won Uno12:37 AM

    Some cookie-cutter Disney ingenue & adderall. Match (frequently) made in Magic Kingdom.

  4. LimoMan6:48 AM

    I thought Sophia The First was Disney's first latina princess?

  5. Zilla17:30 AM

    Yep, I thought Adderall as well. Hollywood diet drug.

  6. You have no idea. One of my first jobs in LA was for a Beverly Hills Doctor "Feel Good."
    His patients were mostly trophy wives & B listers & on a cash-only basis. Some of them would steal their kids' Adderall & blame them for "losing" it. I was so thoroughly disgusted by the grip that shit had on people, I made a vow never to try it. It's a crutch for the weak.
