Monday, August 08, 2016

Blind Item #4

This foreign born celebrity chef/reality star went a little overboard with the botox and other work done to his face. He has been trying to cover it up, but he has made a big mess with his decisions.


  1. Going with Ramsey here. He has got the desperate juiced old man thing happening.

  2. Kno Won Uno12:34 AM

    Pic in the DM yesterday was creepy. The chalked it up to makeup. I LOL'd.

  3. Kno Won Uno12:44 AM

  4. What is sad is that Ramsey looked better BEFORE all the botox and fillers. Some wrinkles aren't bad - it shows character - especially among men (yes, it sucks, I wish women looked better w/ age like the men do...well, some men. hahaha).

    I would rather see a REAL face than a botox-filler-filled face. Every single one of these celebrities and socialites who think they look better w/ the botox and fillers are sadly delusional.

    Case and point: Brandi what's her face...can't remember her last name, the one who was fired from RHOBH -she's starting to looks SUPER FREAKY WEIRD, Val Kilmer, Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughy, Meg Ryan, and many others look TERRIBLE after their "procedures." They think they look younger, but they don't. Instead, they look like an overly stuffed creepy wax doll w/ freaky wide eyes.

  5. Kno Won Uno2:01 AM

    I liked him 'craggy'...Brandi Glanville? I don't often say her last name because it's so close to 'gland'

  6. "Craggy." I like that word. Now I'm dyin' to use it... /grin

  7. That isn't botox, that's filler
