Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Blind Item #5

The actress wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor is hiding a pill addiction from him. He thinks she is just always sick.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Jenna Dewan/Channing Tatum

  2. Jolie/Pitt?

  3. @Tricia, your right, my bad. DM has article about Jenna's migraines!

  4. Poor Channing is so dumb he believes it. I do really like him though - just not the sharpest knife in the drawer

  5. Tricia1312:59 AM

    Hiya@Lisa- I saw that too, otherwise I probably wouldn't think it's her-Jolie definitely seems the answer for many of the substance blinds too:(
    Maybe Jenna does actually have migraines, Enty- just a thought lol.

  6. Kno Won Uno1:06 AM

    He must know. In my opinion.

  7. Anna farris/Chris Pratt?

  8. Just a random thought: Anyone else get the impression (after reading blinds for so many years) that there are a lot of actresses/wives in Hollywood who have a major pill addiction. My guess is many are on Adderall and/or Oxy.

  9. Kno Won Uno1:10 AM

    I've always thought that many people must take adderall for appetite control.

  10. Fuck Migraines1:25 AM

    Jenna doesn't look strung out or tired even -- and she's in fantastic shape. I'm choosing to believe that she suffers from migraines; those fuckers can be so painful that you'll take any pill for hope that it will STAHP.

  11. Don't Know Lost Dos1:58 AM

    Rita Wilson

  12. GroovieMann3:01 AM

    The potato isn't mostly movie though.

    Would be interesting if it were Hanks/Rita Wilson.

  13. Most of them. Skeletral frames have a price. Tyroid tablets too

  14. French girl4:38 AM

    My guess ( she is skinny) even if probably Tatum's wife ( Enty wrote the blind after reading DM article today)

  15. Zilla17:07 AM

    CZJ/Michael Douglas.

    Since when is Channing Tatum A plus?

  16. sharlane11:21 AM

    Amal Clooney. George is the only A+ list actor I can think of besides Brad Pitt right now lol, and there have already been way too many similar blinds about Angelina (but those blinds would suggest that her family already knows thoroughly of her drug addiction + eating disorder; this blind doesn't). Plus, Amal always looks scary skinny like someone with a drug addiction or ED. Bonus because she has a high-stress career, the pills might give her the energy boost she wants while keeping her thin.
